Giorgio Mesghetz
{K:6724} 3/23/2005
hai talento da vendere Annie7+++
gary spillane
{K:1617} 10/14/2004
hi Anne, this photo is fantastic with great image and tone, with the exception of what appears to be a shadow or the image got moved while being developed just outside the left side of the model. but still a superior photo to anything that I have taken, thank you
Joann Winborn
{K:12550} 10/3/2004
Wonderful expression portrayed in this photo. It speaks to the soul. I love your portfolio! You are a beautiful woman and I envy your ability to put yourself out there for all to see! You have many fabulous images which evidence your ability and creativity. Glad you stopped to comment,thank you. I wouldn't have wanted to miss your contributions to this site! Blessings to you and yours
Arzu Tiraki
{K:1784} 9/13/2004
wonderful photo, the experssion on her face is so effective
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 9/3/2004
she looks spectacularly bright!
// //
{K:6081} 9/2/2004
Excellent,love her talent.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 9/1/2004
absolutly great register!!!!
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 8/30/2004
Guau, foto cruda de la realidad terrible. Buen tiro, el picado empequeñece a la niña aumentando el dramatismo
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 8/29/2004
Poor little child! Excellent capture of this heartbreaking scene. Carolyn
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 8/29/2004
Wow, sad, but she is a cutie, well captured, very powerful work.
Sergio Leal
{K:1468} 8/28/2004
So cute! It had to be you Anne.... Very sweet capture of this little girl. My best regards to you.
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 8/28/2004
trágica belleza y tú has quedado golpeado de ello eres sensible éste es otro tu calidad y se une a la belleza y a tu humanidad eres una mujer maravillosa y también lo es esta maravillosa imagen...7++
Steven H
{K:7142} 8/28/2004
Her eyes and her hands hold happiness, promise, love, fun, talent, warmth and hope . . . and, therefore, so does your photo, which also holds beauty, stark reality, and sweet humanity.
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 8/27/2004
Salve Anne ! tantos chicos en las calles tambien aqui ! Besos mc
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 8/27/2004
I don't think this little girl is a begger - SHE IS DOING SOMETHING TO EARN a living.
Sad indeed to see little angels had to do these things at their age.
I think everyone of us should choose some charity and do what ever we could to help.
regards, ken.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 8/27/2004
Beautiful, but so sad... Hugs, Max
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 8/27/2004
beautiful photo. :)
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 8/27/2004
lovely portrait of a nice girl
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 8/27/2004
Wonderful shot, it hurts seeing little sweet in this condition, but it is true and every where, Saeed
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 8/27/2004
Wonderfull and sad at the same time.
c c
{K:13449} 8/27/2004
Wonderful Anne...I love the rich tones as well as the slight shadowing.
Andrea Forti
{K:3069} 8/27/2004
Fantastic, grandiose street shot, the expression of the child is enchanting, touching... regards AF
Doug Dyck
{K:324} 8/27/2004
Hard not to want to help. Excellant picture, nice tones.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 8/27/2004
Poignant shot of this dear little girl, Anne! It really tugs at the heart strings! Kind regards, Chris
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 8/27/2004