go straight to hell? I sometimes wonder as I reach for my camera... Like the time I took a photo of the boy playing soccer who was lying on the ground with what later proved to be a broken arm. My friend asked me if I ever get into trouble taking photos. Well not really (being such a charming individual) but I have been told on occasions not to take photos. We were in a hotel in Nottinghamshire a couple of years ago and I was taking photos of some children in the swimming pool. The pool attendant told me I wasnt allowed to take photos of children in the pool- it was deemed inappropriate. But their MY children I said... Anyway I defend my journalistic or artistic or whatever right to photograph. That doesnt mean that I am NOT something of a voyeur but thats probably a neccessity in having an eye for a photo- right?
Yes, I too have been ask a few times not to take photos,,,but usually I do ask first when filming peoples yards if any one is there to ask. There is a little speciality store near me I walk by now and then. All it sells is dolls and things that go with them, such as clothing, dishes, and houses etc. Some are several hundred dollars. I have been trying to get up nerve to ask the owner if I may use my camera inside but have not yet. Some day I will. Because price tags are always displayed I was not too eager, but now that I am learning to clone things off, maybe I could do that. By the way, I do like this pic. Del
Great capture - interesting about, We went away for a weekend with my son/daughterinlaw and grandaughter, and we went into the hotel pool, Den wanted to get a shot of Lucy in the pool swimming [she just loves it] and the pool attendant was straight there and said no photos, and we were the only ones in the pool at the time. Margaret
"Florida!" and yes, listen to Bob Marley... Oh hell, if they didn't want their pic taken they would have driven more carefully. You asked me once about getting those "looks." All part of the process.