Well gee Sue, thats an interesting photo of you. Do ya think we could see a little more of ya next time, uhhhh your face that is.lol Glad to hear ya know Brad, would love to get together with the three of you, Brad and you and your husband, for a day of shooting. Always love to meet fellow UF members and fellow Marylanders who love photography. Jim Gamble
Hi, Jim, Thanks for the comment. I'm very new at thinking about the photos I take rather than just pointing and clicking! But I have a good teacher in my husband.
I know Brad Prue quite well .... if you look in his Wine Festival folder ... I'm the one in the red shirt!! You may also know some of my husband's photos - T Murphy.
Hi Sue, good to see another Marylander here on UF. There are a few of us. Dan and Sam Lightner, Mark and Debby Biri, Steve Rosenbach, Bradley Prue, myself and a few others, that I cant think of right now. Good to see Baltimore Countty's finest in action. Sorry to hear ya had to sell your slr so your hubby could buy the D70, but ya know Christmas is commin, and maybe he'll surprise ya. Anyhow, welcome to UF, a great site, from a fellow Marylander. Jim Gamble