murat ayral
{K:2571} 9/20/2005
A good framefull work Krisstyne:) Best wishes
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 8/12/2005
this brings forth another thing I notice about your work, I like the Frame one, you have an eye for presentation of your photos, sets them apart, something i wish I had an eye for
Murat Çabuk
{K:2495} 2/22/2005
The frame fitted well it seems.
shira carolyn bezalel
{K:502} 12/17/2004
god damn it! I"m in love with that picture!
Cristina D
{K:8080} 12/9/2004
Thank you for your comment Marco!
Morc Piantedos
{K:21834} 12/9/2004
Nice work, Cristina! i like the contrast. Compliments, M
Cristina D
{K:8080} 12/9/2004
Multumesc pt. aprecieri Alexandru!
Alexandru Vidrasan
{K:133} 12/8/2004
intr-adevar arata mult mai bine asa...bravo Alex
Marusnik Bela
{K:11611} 12/8/2004
Excellent work, simple and elegant composition, very well combined static and dynamic forms.Congrats!
Pumpkin HD
{K:1033} 12/8/2004
ExCEllent Cristina.. i really liked the bubbly water : 2 thumbs up:
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 12/8/2004
very nice shot, good perspective, l like the detail of the fluid here, very well done,
{K:8878} 12/8/2004
yes this is life excellent shot and good composition...