nic porter
{K:3} 3/30/2005
i love this image!! the image looks so soft and the tones work really well for it especially against the white background. strong image in itself. nice work
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 2/10/2005
Ayse Hanim, calismalarinizi cok ama cok begeniyorum. Bu portre de en guzellerinden. sadece efekt var mi (grain disinda) onu merak ettim. tebrikler.
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 2/8/2005
güzel bir portre olmus grenler filmsi bir etki yapmis
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 2/6/2005
this thin black frame is super effective and turns an otherwise simple portrait into a really interesting one,at least for my taste. by the way,this beautiful girl seems rather vibrant and spirited to me... i find it difficult to think of her as a 'Princess Of Sorrow'. but you know best,of course ;-)
{K:21564} 1/21/2005
Sevgili Ayse, Gayet hos ve yumusak tonlarda olmus.. Bakis ise insani fotografin derinligine çekiyor.. Tebrikler, CAgatay
{K:8878} 1/14/2005
very nice composition and good lights...
Onur Aydin
{K:9815} 12/22/2004
Wallpaperlik olmus :) Tebrikler.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 12/22/2004
very beautiful princess
michelle k.
{K:16270} 12/22/2004
sweet happy holidays ayse!
Todd Bennett
{K:-583} 12/22/2004
Excellent photo. I really like how the space is used.
{K:5777} 12/22/2004
Cok hos olmus...Sol tarafin derin olmasi ve kizin oraya bakmasi etkileyici...
Eva H
{K:493} 12/22/2004
very nice.