Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 10/8/2006
Hi Arnold! Welcome to usefilm! What a surprise to find you here. And you did a great work with this image which I took and uploaded when I wasn't very skillful in digital photography. I hope to see a lot of images from you.
Kind regards (also from Hedi), Markus.
PS: I will be away in China for a month now.
Arnold Greyling
{K:44} 10/8/2006
Hi Markus, Finally I managed to start using usefilm. This is such a lovely photograph of Ronja, and it also brings back some personal memories of the good times we had in that kitchen. I also did not notice the lamp reflection until I read Christian's comment and suddenly I couldn't draw my eyes away from the lamp. Because I prefer the image with Ronja in the centre I thought one could edit out the lamp without cropping the photo. I attached my quite unskilled attempt to see what it can look like without the lamp. I also tried to remove the grain by using a "Selective gaussian blur" filter set to a blur radius of 3 and max delta of 29. I'm in two minds whether the original grain is better than the filtered version, I left the filtering in so you can see the difference.
Regards Arnold
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 2/3/2005
After seeing your comment, Christian,it's the first time, I've seen the reflection of the lamp. Thanks for your helpful hints.
Regards, Markus
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 2/1/2005
Sorry about that Markus. UF jammed and I had to redo the transfer a couple of times, thus ultimately choosing the wrong file.
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 2/1/2005
Hello Christian, it seems that you uploaded the wrong file. Many thanks for working with me anyway.
Regards, Markus
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 2/1/2005
A sweet and precious moment that light seems to immortalize. May I suggest the version above. The idea was to put Ronja off center, cropping on the right side. It also takes care of the lamp reflection. I blurred the surroundings (probably too much), to further isolate the main character - and also to deal with the blurred state of the original.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 1/23/2005
Excellent composition Brilliant colors, Markus. Thank you for your friendly remark on the simplicity and its implications regarding my "Fabric 1." Best regards,
Timothy Schirmer
{K:7201} 1/22/2005
Wonderful image, too bad it is jsut a bit blurry, but I love the composition and the warm light. Tim
Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 1/22/2005
This has a cheerful, yet etherial quality to it. It's a keeper! The sunlight in her hair and the colorful pots of plants really make this work.
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 1/22/2005
Well Markus, congratualaions on your pending retirement! a wonderful hobby this photography is, addicting too! The children make the best subjects and one day you will look back and cherish every picture. I have pictures of my son that i want to duplicate with my grandson at the same ages. Having certain hats and things still around from then makes it even more intersting. Keep on shooting, Cary
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 1/22/2005
A comment of someone, who makes such wonderful pictures like you, Cary, is really encouraging for me, who is in preparation of his retirement and looking for new hobbies.
Regards, Markus
Cary Shaffer
{K:9269} 1/22/2005
Real nice Markus!