City - Prescott State - ARKANSAS Country - United States
Still playing with the blurred effect that resembles smearing Vaseline on a filter to give a dreamy effect. Maybe I'm on to something or affected by the winter blahs more than I realize! ha! 1/250 @ f11, ISO = 200, camera on tripod.
Thank you, Margaret, I believe you are right. I just posted a crop of this image which I think I like better than this one, although both of them make me eager for spring. Well, gotta go to work. Thank you and I'll go look at Jimmy's before I leave. Rodney
It's lovely, I just commented to Jimmy Payne that we all seem to have pre Spring blues, but images like his lovely blue sky and your flowers in soft gentle colours are enough to cheer anyone up. I like the blurring it is like a glimpse of Spring - but not quite here Margaret