Warren B
{K:7272} 2/16/2005
What a beautiful old building! You've composed this perfectly Marian, I always enjoy your work. Well done as ever.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 2/15/2005
Marian, again an beautiful building Teunis
Daniel Oyola
{K:1793} 2/15/2005
Grecia? Bello, debes estar orgullosa de vivir en una tierra tan hermosa y con tanta historia, felicito a Grecia por tener a una mujer que la ama tanto y la retrata de una forma tan esplendida.... danieloyola@hotmail.com
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/15/2005
ston pezodromo!!!!!! Aeropagitou!!!! and not only this one... I will try to post two more tonight!!!! filika Marian
Alex Louizidis
{K:689} 2/15/2005
How come a never notice this building ever ?? interesting
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/15/2005
thank you dear AJ!!!! I went for a long walk around Acropolis and took some photos :) best regards Marian
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 2/15/2005
Marian - many thanks for all your recent comments. They are always very much appreciated. I'm trying to find time to catch up with friends recent postings as much as I can... And with this architectural theme, here's an excellent place to start! A beautifully presented image of a very elegant structure.
All the best, AJ
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 2/15/2005
Excellent marian !! superb detail and well presented ( must visit greece in the future ) best wishes my friend .. mark .
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/15/2005
thank you dear Miguel!!!! I will post some more.... this is a very nice spot as on the oposite side is Acropolis... the street is only for walk no cars.... am happy you like Greece...:) take care Marian
Miguel Andrade
{K:5463} 2/15/2005
This is a very good shot my friend! A good way for me to know Greece :) Regards, Miguel