Along the Skeleton Coast in Namibia the road is made of hard salt which makes feel better than asphalt resulting to some traffic signs to prevent high speed in the endless wasteland..
Thx Arwa, sometimes time is really limited to think deeply when shooting :) Maybe I will have to switch to digital to take more shoots of the same subject, cause you know diapositives are very valuable during travel especially when difficult to get new ones and you dont know what and how many interesting things you will meet next..
Kursat, I think you are thinking along the right lines. I like the composition but the image could use a bit of drama. How about a really contrasty black and white version?
I'd also suggest perhaps correcting the horizon, it's slightly off. Something most people wouldn't care about, but you know we photographers notice those kinds of things :)
Looks like a great location with lots of potential shoots! I like the simplicity and the colors I do have some suggestions if u don?t mind, maybe u could have moved backwards so more empty land would show and give a feeling of wider space, if it was up to me i would place the sign on the right corner instead of the left don?t know why but it seems easier to the viewer...ooh and can play with the colors in PS to make them more vivid, and shoot it with a small aperture this is definitely an image with great possibilities l! Well done :)