Marian Man
{K:80636} 3/27/2005
merci beaucoup mon cher Drilan :) Marian
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 3/26/2005
Beaucoup plus abstrait; vous modernizez la photo et lui donnez un air de jeunesse. Merci de votre appréciation, drilan
deniz senyesil
{K:4052} 3/26/2005
Hi Marian :) Very beautiful abstract Congrats! Deniz:)
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 3/26/2005
From the mind of Marian comes such lovely abstarcts. You have a wonderful imagination, Marian. I love the blues in this. My favorite color.
Best wishes, Jimmy
Raf D
{K:9223} 3/25/2005
I like the effects and the level of saturation. From a fairly simple image you really have come up with something very Andy Warhol-ish. Well done! - Kind regards, Rafael
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 3/25/2005
Very beautiful abstract eand effects Marian!! Congrats! Roberto.
Elahe S. Ahmadian
{K:8695} 3/25/2005
dear marian, something unique and different. great reflection.
aydin turker
{K:3988} 3/25/2005
very creative and nice use of saturated colors here dear Marian.. this image absolutely opens a gate for imagination.. best wishes.. :)
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 3/25/2005
Ha - so you're playing with glass as well! You've created some great colours here. AJ