vladimir antic
{K:3307} 8/18/2007
Ona sa Hajdi klum i s mene? Ma jok, to je fotkao njen tadasnji muz, vlasnik formule 1 jebi ga mlados ludos ima smesna i ona sa wc soljom
Ivan Milosavljevic
{K:24} 8/18/2007
u pravu si pogresan komentar,fotkao sam te tamo gde pokazujes misice umro sam od smeha kada sam video
vladimir antic
{K:3307} 8/18/2007
:-) mislim da smo se nas dvoje sami slikali, ti nisi bio tu. To je onda kad sam i onaj korset oblacio...al ako ti kazes. Al sve jedno, ovo je redemade, stara slika dobija novo znacenje, tako da je prvobitan autor ne bitan :P
Ivan Milosavljevic
{K:24} 8/17/2007
hm,ovo sam ja fotografisao !
vladimir antic
{K:3307} 10/28/2006
We are the friends again :-) after two years of notspeaking
{K:6731} 10/28/2006
Weird, I like it. Story matches the details of the picture. Nice parallel. Noticed the tape is see thru, could that imply a 2nd chance?
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 4/11/2005
Disturbingly excellent.
m .
{K:2569} 4/11/2005
A broke picture....A sad subject....and a fun way to express it!.
Nice,... and sorry about this broken relationship between beautiful people!.
vladimir antic
{K:3307} 4/10/2005
Thank you very much Ola!
Ola Svensson
{K:2651} 4/10/2005
Love the use of the flash in this one, the ripping of the picture and the X:s. Keep up the good work Antic. Sinc. Ola Svensson
michelle k.
{K:16270} 4/8/2005
i like it.
p e t a .
{K:18700} 4/8/2005
hundreds like me! new people I meet tell me all the time..."dont I know you?" Or they say..."you look just like someone I know!"
vladimir antic
{K:3307} 4/7/2005
:-) But not someone like you
p e t a .
{K:18700} 4/7/2005
yeah that happens, but there's always another round the corner waiting.
vladimir antic
{K:3307} 4/7/2005
E hvala imenjace!
v p
{K:1352} 4/7/2005
Briliant idea :)