It is a close-up of a glass ball. Other than the composition of the photograph the glass swirl is all the work of the glass artist, not my use of photoshop or some other software. The colors are beautiful, but also originate in the glass.
I love photographing glass, but on ocassion feel guilty of poaching on someone else's art. Nevertheless I cannot resist.
Bill, I wrote a big comment on this one earlier today but it got lost to the ether without so much as an obscure error message. So let me see if I remember all I said, again...
First of all, this is a beautiful image. I'm guessing it's some kind of glass object. The colours are amazing and the abstract visual is very pleasing.
If you hadn't put this in the category "Photoart" I probably would have left it at that... but now I am wondering: is that some kind of "swirl" distortion?
Because, if it is, then I must say it is the first time I have seen it used with such good taste, in a way which is not obvious and actually enhances the image.