Ciprian Ilie
{K:13571} 5/14/2006
Very effective, love the texture of the background, and also the lighting here.
Great product / abstract shot, well executed.
Regards, Ciprian
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 5/8/2005
Tol'ko segodnia prochtital REPLAY! Napishu pis'mom!!!!
Stan Pustylnik
{K:6768} 5/5/2005
Sad guy! I like the photo. I like crabs, they are tasty!!!! But what a cute creature. Elena I'll post one for you because of these crab images of yours.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 4/30/2005
I didn't know that crabs like beer, I always had them down as wine drinkers instead ;-)
Wonderful still life Elena, I like the eyes of the crab looking at the beer possibly thinking "how am I going to lift that glass" !!
Best wishes, Steve
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 4/29/2005
Wonderful still life! The colors are great. It does look like the crab has his eyes on that beer! Carolyn
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 4/26/2005
how nice of you to treat the crab to a beer, Elena :)
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 4/25/2005
Spasibo, Alesha, za takoi ogromnyi i chudesnyi comment. I spasibo za sovet po-povodu tcveta, ya poprobuju etot variant obyazatel'no. D100 deistvitel'no horoshaya camera, no uvy ne moya. Camera moego syna, Sashi, on inogda daet mne ee posnimat'. U nas bol'shie peremeny (my davno s toboi ne govorili). My dazhe zhivem uzhe v drugom gorode. Dom prizhlos' prodat', kogda Sashka tozhe poteryal rabotu, prosto nechem stalo platit'. Seichas oni perebralis' poblizhe k nam, v San Francisco, dlya menya eto radostno, hot' inogda udaetsya videt' svoego rebenka. A kak dela u tvoei dochki, kak ucheba? Tceluju, Lena
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 4/24/2005
Privet! Nichego ne ponimaju v pive po prichine togo, chto ne p'ju ego, kak-to slozhilos'? chto etot prekrasny napitok proshel mimo menia :-) No posmotrev na ETOT STILL LIFE, ochen zahotelos' poprabovat' :-) Udivitel'ny vzgliad!!! Sozdaetsia oshushenie? chto Crab zhivoy? chto v etom? chto v Predydushem snimke, i k tomu zhe ochen vyrazitel'ny. Ne uveren po povodu horizonta v STILL LIFE, no ponravilsi neodnorodny fon, udivitelino, no on sovsen ne otvlekaet, dazhe naoborot kontsetriruet vnimanie naobjecty!!! ZDOROVO! Tseluju! Alesha. P.S. Ty absolutno prava otnositel'no Spatifilluma, maialsia s nim neskol'ko dney, no kak okazalos' sovsem bezrezul'tatno, ochen nravitsia sam tsvetok, no redkiy sluchay, Ia ne vizhu ego na kartine, v Portrete...Prosto ne VIZHu, a zhal'! Nado peredohnut', koshmarnaja sueta na rabote, ne vsio gladko i horosho, no dumaju i nadejus' prorviomsia! Spasibo Lena za kommentarii, TSENJU! Tseluju once again! :-) Alesha. Kak u vas dela? Pervy raz uvidel, chto snimala na D100, moi pozdravlenia, klassnaya mashina!!!
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 4/22/2005
Hey a very good mix. Or is the crab invited for a beer? Nice shot my friend.
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 4/21/2005
Well done Elena,like this one,so funny and colorful!!!!!!!!
donato r.
{K:16361} 4/20/2005
splendida ed originale composizione! molto ben ideata e realizzata! abrazo donato
Andrei Kislov
{K:4041} 4/20/2005
Great still life, Lena! Kak zhe grustno crab vziraet na kruzhku piva:-)navernoe ne xochet byt' s'edennym... Kak mne kazhetsya ochen' mnogo na sebya beret zadniy plan - on u tebya poluchilsya slishkom yarkiy i hi-technyi(takova factura) xotya i cvet priyatnyi. A tak molodec:)! vsego samogo _Andrei_
Stefano Bramato
{K:601} 4/20/2005
i would prefer more depth of field but the picture is in itself so cute!!
ciao, Stefano
{K:26787} 4/20/2005
Hi Elena! Very nice colours & composition! Not sure about the background, though, it crabs ... err ... grabs too much of the attention here IMO. I admire your way of exploring new subjects; that?s the way to growth/progress!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/20/2005
a still life shot? nice work, I like it also the background.. sorry if I have been little present, but hardly I can, I return from the friends! see you later, my dear, and that God bless you.. hugs, roby
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 4/19/2005
thats funny! :)
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 4/19/2005
Now then Lena - is the crab going to drink all that beer himself LOL. Great composition, excellent detail Margaret
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 4/19/2005
elena, Great compositie Teunis
Franz Thoma
{K:3365} 4/19/2005
Now you serve beer with the crab. Actually I'd prefer a nice bottle of white wine! But I do like how you handle the colours. Great work, indeed. Regards Franz