Agreed that the image isn't "knock your socks off" quality, but that's what they look like when soaring overhead at mid day. Not the best time to shoot, but they're not cooperative models, so you take what they give you. The "EF 1.4x II" in the about is for the teleconverter, so that means I was shooting with a 700 f5.6 setup.
Hi James, a more difficult shot, not only to take, but also to assess, as apart from the subject, which is without doubt very impressive, the image itself doesn't offer that much. That makes the rather dark and contrast-ridden body of the condor more obvious. Then again, it's not an easy shot, and I think you handled it rather well. From your info, I presume you used a +1,4 EV exposure correction? Maybe a notch more would've worked too without overexposing the sky. Nonetheless a powerful shot, and well panned.
Wow...I'm impressed, panning this shot with a 500mm + 1.4 Very impressive. and the other shot of the condor is great also. I will definitely be considering a sidekick. Thank You....a bunch !