Albert Jacobs
{K:9527} 9/14/2006
Hello Robin,
For the close-up macro shots I use the Voigtlander 100 mm macrolens, with or without 1 till 3 rings between camera and lens and a small frontlens on top of the Voigtlander.
Greetz, Albert
Robin Sanderse
{K:2545} 9/14/2006
Hi Albert, Ja, dit was een van m'n eerste macro's...ik ben er nog steeds blij mee. Jij kan er ook wat van...met name die "ogen-foto" van je kat is een plaaaaatje. welk objectief gebruik je voor macro, of gebruik je de Sigma-lens hiervoor?
Dank en tot mails,
Albert Jacobs
{K:9527} 9/14/2006
Hi Robin,
Great macro shot ! Excellent details and nice colors too. Compliments ! I also like macro's, but just started a few months ago.
Greetz, Albert
Robin Sanderse
{K:2545} 5/6/2005
Hi James, Thanks for your nice comment.. I did not see that detail ... Funny: looking at your porfolio...we're a little twin..I'm a chef myself (without a own restaurant, but in an institute for older-ill people). About the hobby: I started half a year ago with shooting pics and started to like it very much! Especialy the macro world is intrigering me. Hope we can enjoy each other pics and get inspired by eachother? Thanks again, crtz, Robin
James Bambery
{K:13421} 5/6/2005
Excellent detail Robin, I like how the fly has his back legs wrapped around what he is resting on. Well done.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 5/1/2005
Wonderful macro!