City - Ochikawa State - TOKYO, HINO CITY Country - Japan
I tried, not very successfully, to get a macro of beautiful flowers like these last week. This clump was on the far side of a small stream, so no macros! Instead, I used a telephoto to bring them closer. I like the almost stereoscopic way it isolates them from the background.
Matej, I hadn't noted the stop, so was guessing what I had used, and you may be right... perhaps it was F/5.6, not F/8. But looking at the light and knowing the time of day, F/8 seems to be what I would have chosen. This is another excellent and inexpensive Russian lens.
Yes, the background isolation is very strong here - maybe too strong, in fact, because not even all of the flowers are in focus (somewhat surprising at f/8, even with a telephoto lens).
Thanks, Linda. I'm still working on the macros. But I've been distracted by work and screwing up courage to buy another film camera--MF this time. The latter will probably take me off in new directions... so macros may go on the back burner. I am finding them VERY difficult.
Roger this beautiful, love the colors, the composition, and my favorite part is the out of focus background...Very pretty, but I'm still looking for the macros...where are they?....:):)linda