{K:591} 8/9/2005
Excellent Kes and a good angle..
sammy -
{K:4108} 8/7/2005
I was wondering how you got the angle on her shoulders. "Rocking chair?" So that's the secret!
Make a pest out of yourself. Get 'em all down on film or digital. Immediately destroy/ delete any unflattering shots. Print the best one out of a hundred. Ten and twenty years from now they will be delighted you were such a photomaniac back then.
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 8/7/2005
Sam - Not much tweaking on this shot.
We (family members) were visiting, and I just snapped some shots handheld, incandescent table lamp. 1/15 shutter, @f5.6, hence the blur (softness!) - and she was in a rocking chair.
I don't think I tilted or rotated this one...I like that effect so much I have to use some discipline there...can't do it to all of them, lol.
She leaned over for a bit and I got some shots with a relatively uncluttered background.
I have cropped a bit off the original here.
sammy -
{K:4108} 8/7/2005
Did you tilt the camera or rotate the image? If so, it's your first stroke of genius.
The second is leaving so much backgroud to the right and on the top. Don't crop one pixel off this portrait.
You might, however, condsider toning down, just a wee bit, the portion of her sweater that is under the collar.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 8/7/2005
What a beautiful portrait dear Keseph! Love the soft tones, very good choose the sepia color. Very fine shadows and lights, fine details. Great work! :) Best wishes! Robert
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 8/7/2005
Sammy, always so kind. Thank you. One of the few gals I can photograph, without incurring the wrath of the better half...
...she's a cousin, lol.
Got a good one of her sister...awaiting permission to post...
sammy -
{K:4108} 8/7/2005
This puts you in league with master portraitists.
(I truly feel that.)
Let us see more!