City - Tynemouth State - NORTHUMBERLAND Country - United Kingdom
Finally I've got theouogh the Northumberlan meet shots...
been throughh witha fine tooth comb for the best ones and have 39 fully edited and framed shots frm the shoot, and many more that are not far behind.
What a productive session it was!!
I'm going to finish the landscapes with 3 of Tynemouth, call the series the Tynemouth Trio.
this is taken from the same spot as Mark Evans's l;ast shot, though I didn't have his sky, so deceided to crop it out and make the whole scene look more intimidating by cooling the colour temp down when editing the raw file
also sharpened the foreground a lot more tha the rest tomake the stones stand out more.
polariser and 1 .6ND grad
not sure wheter it's a moody landscape or a perspective... going in perspective