Paulo Martel
{K:2550} 12/9/2005
Ola Adriana,
maravilhasa gravura abstracta, gostei imenso. Trabalho muito original, Photoshop ?... Parabens e um abraço de Portugal, Paulo
Adriana Rabbit
{K:3233} 9/28/2005
holla gustavo! muchas gracias! ~:-)dri
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 9/28/2005
Tu trabajo es muy original y colorido. Te felicito!
Thomas P
{K:1732} 9/6/2005
Hello Adriana. I wish to thank you for your comment. I took the liberty to browse your portfolio and this photoart stood out.I love your background and the pinwheel effect in the foreground it gives the abstract composition. It would be nice if "Usefilm" would give more credence to digital artists...Our brush creates through our computer. Well done.
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 8/27/2005
Beautiful abstract,colors and composition just magnificent Regards
pan g.
{K:16899} 8/22/2005
Another fish-art? Wonderfull patterns and colours!
Adriana Rabbit
{K:3233} 8/21/2005
Hi dAniel! you have a very creative mind!! Never thought about a yellow-fish brick road..lol! Indeed that?s a marvelous image with a quite nice angle! And what a sky!!! I?ll try to do sth like this.. I agree that the background of my fish-flowers is very poor ... and a blue sky like this is perfect! ~:-) Tks for both suggestions! Dri
Adriana Rabbit
{K:3233} 8/21/2005
Hi Colin.. Thanks for your kind comment! Yes, a self-portrait serie could be a good idea.. I still don?t have many interesting pictures of myself but as soon as I got them... ~:-) Dri
Adriana Rabbit
{K:3233} 8/21/2005
Thanks Urs! ~:-)
Colin Cartwright
{K:15699} 8/20/2005
A superb splash of colour and texture, in this imaginative abstract, Dri.
A well crafted 7.
Contente de ouvi-lo estão pensando de alguns retratos do self. Eu olho-lhes para a frente!
Daniel Oyola
{K:1793} 8/20/2005
Una idea copiada de un gran fotografo.... Ah, otra, recuerdas el Mago de OZ y su camino de ladrillos amarillos (Yellow brick Road)? Y si es Yellow Fish Road?
Daniel Oyola
{K:1793} 8/20/2005
Hola Dri, me da mucho gusto que hallas tomado en consideración mi propuesta... Te quedó muy bonito... Te imaginas cientos de Girasoles de Peces adaptados sobre un gran campo de flores? me lo imagino muy bonito, y con fondo de cielo azul con nubes blancas, en este momento tengo una imagen muy idilica y como objeto central tus peces formando un sinfin de girasoles.... Saludos, daniel
Francesco Francesco
{K:8101} 8/20/2005
Very happy abstract, nice colors!
Urs Rubin
{K:5172} 8/20/2005
And it's a beautyful abstract, Dri!!
Kind regards, Urs