Kresimir Tubikanec
{K:251} 12/17/2005
Dear Karina Thank you for time and effort for commenting my pictures. I'm glad that you have commented pictures that are very dear to me. But you are a little bit mistaken. I have my style, and it is visible in every photo of mine. I just haven't limited myself on only one thematic, because I love portraits, and street photo, and landscapes, and macro, and every kind of photography. Kind regards.
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 12/10/2005
Your portfolio has all kinds of styles in it. You definetly haven't found your own yet. I think you are very good at making portraits. This one for example is so very beautiful.
Kresimir Tubikanec
{K:251} 8/21/2005
@ Vladimir Popović
Čuj, ima? dvostruku negaciju u: "nije motiv koji se kadrira dosta tjesnije" , pa te molim da mi objasni?, kadrirati tjesnije ili ?ire? Sad sam u nekoj glupoj fazi gdje pu?tam samo full frameove bez obrade. Ono, glumim čistunca ;)Eto, mo?da bi ovak bilo da je po pravilima struke.
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 8/21/2005
Branimir Fagarazzi
{K:38367} 8/20/2005
v p
{K:1352} 8/20/2005
Moram naci efke emulaciju za PS, jos sam gleadao par radova sa njim, ima ubitacno dobre boje, bas po mom ukusu. Sto se tice kadra, tu imam kritiku, jednostavno mi ovo nije motiv koji se kadrira dosta tjesnije, bar bi ja tako uradio.
Kresimir Tubikanec
{K:251} 8/20/2005
Yeah, you're right, but I didn't want to remove it. I just left it as it was.
Cetin Ozer
{K:2732} 8/20/2005
Hi Kresimir, It's very successfuly captured, except the hool which is on the top of the photograoph.. Congrats and best regards.. :)
Haris Calkic
{K:4908} 8/20/2005
sjajan cb rad