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Organic Lines - Outside
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Image Title:  Organic Lines - Outside
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 By: Urs Rubin  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Urs Rubin  Urs Rubin {Karma:5172}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon Coolpix 8700
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Home
Lens Nikon  Coolpix 4100 Fixed Lens
Uploaded 8/26/2005 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 621 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 7 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City -  Dietikon
State -  ZURICH
Country - Switzerland   Switzerland
About The cladding of an earthhouse-complex.

Cropped it and and made a frame around it in PS.
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There are 7 Comments in 1 Pages
Adriana Rabbit   {K:3233} 9/6/2005
hi Urs!
yes.... there?s a lot to say about this picture and your reply to Naomi .. everything has got to do with my country .. sigh... Brazil ... well, one doesn?t need to come here to know how do some people live under unhealthy conditions at "favelas" ... A project like this could save the environment as well as turn their lives less unpleasant ... but politics has its influence in everything! it?s kind a knot in the throat!

Nice image and excelent information!

hugs ~:-) Dri


Urs Rubin Urs Rubin   {K:5172} 8/29/2005
... oops, I meant Larry, not harry!!! Kind regards, Urs


Urs Rubin Urs Rubin   {K:5172} 8/29/2005
Hi Larry

Thank you very much for your comment, it flatters me! May I ask you to read the comment (the 2nd one) I wrote to Naomi under, also a great photographer, to get some more informations? Btw.: I like your pictures aswell as your being around here in UF a lot, Harry!

Kind regards, Urs


Urs Rubin Urs Rubin   {K:5172} 8/29/2005
Hi Naomi

Thank you for your comment! Well, I do know I AM a human being, with all its mistakes and strengths ... And the houses we build are right on this world, - I do live in one of them, in Dietikon, Switzerland, probably right on our planet. :)

Switzerland is a very small country right in the heart of western Europe, appr. 400 km wide, appr. 200 km large. Nearly 70% of our land is improductive, stony mountains, icy glaciers. And in this country there are nearly 7 millions people living. Consequence: More and more of our beautiful landscape is going to paved with sometimes better looking, sometimes really ugly buildings ...

The idea of the earthhouse is to integrate buildings into the countryside without hurting it to much. The grass on the roof keeps the countryside intact, once the houses are built. Economically, those houses don't use much of our worldwide lean ressources. Switzerland has a quite rough climate, in summer the thermometer goes up to 35? Celsuius and in winter-times it can down go to -25? Celsius for several weeks, some years. The temperature in those houses is quite constant, if you wouldn't open windows it would be constantly around 18? Celsius. We don't need oil to heat the houses, as the temperature can be rised up to 24? Celsius by exchanging earth warmth with the help of a tube heating our water also during the whole year. In summer times, we even produce more electricity than we need, and we can give it to the electricity-company. The organic round forms give the inhabitants of such houses a feeling of 'native security'. I think, I wouldn't change the place I live for a castle ...

Thanks to my education, thanks to the place, thanks to the family I've been born into, I had the chance to travel all over this planet, to see and hear, I hope to learn a lot. And I love this planet, it is a wonder. I also recognized that there's a fundamental problem: More of 70% of the human beings on our planet don't even have the chance, to HAVE ideas, they have to see how to get their daily food, if they can get some ...

Comparing myself as a creature in the universe with an ant in an ant-hill, intrinsically totally nonrelevant and negociable, I do have the ambition, to keep our planet alive ... That's me, I can't help it.

Since I was thought about the existance of Usefilm, I love it, I think, it's an excellent way to communicate between different cultures, meanings, feelings. The 'only' thing that bothers me in Usefilm is, that in 99% of the pictures nthere bis shown beauty, 'protected world' ... On the other hand I know, that humans mind keeps good things in memory much easier than 'bad things' ...

Looking at your beautiful pictures I get more and more shure: We ALL have a right to the beauty, the beauty is ourselves!

Naomi, I love the pictures you show to us all here in Usefilm, go ahead, thank you for sharing them!

Kind regards, Urs

PS: Forgive me my imperfect usage of the English language, it's not y mother-tongue.


Urs Rubin Urs Rubin   {K:5172} 8/29/2005
Hi Naomi

Thank you for your comment! Well, I do know I AM a human being, with all its mistakes and strengths ... And the houses we build are right on this world, - I do live in one of them, in Dietikon, Switzerland, probably right on our planet. :)

Switzerland is a very small country right in the heart of western Europe, appr. 400 km wide, appr. 200 km large. Nearly 70% of our land is improductive, stony mountains, icy glaciers. And in this country there are nearly 7 millions people living. Consequence: More and more of our beautiful landscape is going to paved with sometimes better looking, sometimes really ugly buildings ...

The idea of the earthhouse is to integrate buildings into the countryside without hurting it to much. The grass on the roof keeps the countryside intact, once the houses are built. Economically, those houses don't use much of our worldwide lean ressources. Switzerland has a quite rough climate, in summer the thermiometer goes up to 35? Celsuius and in winter-times it can down go to -25? Celsius for several weeks, some years. The temperature in those houses is quite constant, if you wouldn't open windows it would be constantly around 18? Celsius. We don't need oil to heat the houses, as the temperature can be rised up to 24? Celsius by exchanging earth warmth with the help of a tube heating our water also during the whole year. In summer times, we even produce more electricity than ne need, and we can give it to the electricity-company. The organic round forms give the inhabitants of such houses a feeling of 'native security' I think, I wouldn't change the place I live for a castle ...

Thanks to my education, thanks to the place, the family I've been born into, I had the chance to travel all over this planet, to see and hear a lot. And I love this planet, it is a wonder.


Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 8/27/2005
Fantastic capture Urs, so very interesting and well done. Are these common in your area, these buildings??



Naomi Weidner Naomi Weidner   {K:6636} 8/27/2005
I knew this had to be one of yours, Urs. Very other-worldly. -- Naomi




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