hassan salah
{K:18} 1/5/2007
:) gamda gedan
Miguel Martinez
{K:5507} 10/4/2005
Excellent multyimage! Great! Miguel, from Buenos Aires
Andreas Hultman
{K:254} 9/25/2005
Fun picture and great idea. Gave me a new picture idea myself.
Also thanks four your comment. regards/Andreas
{K:3974} 9/25/2005
very creative
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 9/24/2005
no need to be sorry dear mahmoud. it is really ok. u just was talking about opacity so i knew u thought it was edited :) no need to be sorry my friend, we r all here to share and learn :) good luck.
Mahmoud Salman
{K:144} 9/24/2005
i think i have to say i am sorry if u made it from camera to here so u have great skills mashaa Allah i hope u be like that forever MAHMOUD
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 9/23/2005
thank u dear Mahmoud hope u liked it, i would like to let u know that this photo wasnt edited at all, its directly from the camera to here, not even cropping or any tone editing. this effect is made by posing 2 times while the lens is still open. thank u again 4 ur comment.
Mahmoud Salman
{K:144} 9/23/2005
hey you ghost men nice shot i think it just need more adobe work u know the opacity is not perefect but rabena ye3ezak
Marian Man
{K:80636} 9/23/2005
very creative idea dear Yahya!!!!! I like this kind of shots!!!! very well done!!! best regards Marian
Kevin H
{K:22502} 9/23/2005
Just love the motion you have going here, almost like a movie effect. Great colors and good job on the lighting, no sign of overexposing. Keep up the good wokr.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 9/22/2005
Very original idea and creative mind! Well done dear Yahya! 7! My best regards! Robert
Riham Essam
{K:4931} 9/22/2005
i relized that ....masha alah nice one ...:)
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 9/22/2005
hello reham. there was no glass there, just us and the camera, with slow shutter speed that allow us to pose 2 times at the same lens opening :)
Riham Essam
{K:4931} 9/22/2005
very nice photo tesada2 ....i thought it was vatreena refflections .... but it wasn't very great shot ...well done ......... :)
sh aaa
{K:104} 9/20/2005
Nice YEllow Fun DREAm Yehya
hatem yehia
{K:3232} 9/20/2005
ohhhhhhhh thats cooooool very nice idea its very nice mor3eba kaman...
Mennat-Allah El-Husseiny
{K:1374} 9/19/2005
nice shot yehya, u all look like ghosts, well it looks a bit scary, but anyway it's very unusual and the composition is rather great, keep it up
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 9/19/2005
thanx akmal 4 ur comment. i hesitated alot about posting this image as it might be silly, i mean who cares about me with my friends anyway :) but as u said the lighting is great compared to the real place. and this is what i really like about it, its saturation. i attach here an auto photo with flash on, and u can see the result. note that mu kodak flash is weak indeed.
 photo with flash |
{K:1984} 9/19/2005
nice shot great light cuba cabana lights is very bad but u make it good AKMAL HAMDI ABDALLA
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 9/19/2005
creative idea WELL DONE
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 9/19/2005
Great play with shutter speed Yahya , Kind regards .