City - Ochikawa State - TOKYO, HINO CITY Country - Japan
A market gardner grows a very wide range of crops, and one has these huge green leaves. I thought they made a rather wild jumble with some interesting shapes and shadows...
Hi Roger that's I think one of the best point in photography, you just simply look around you and suddenly you saw them differently if I simply pass these leaves I might disregard them but if I stop and ponder, then I see what you mean, there are interesting shapes, nice play of light and shadow. I would crop the upperside though :)
Yes, CHris, but if you had seen those huge leaves and their dark green depths, contrasting with the bright sunlight and light greens on the surface, I think you might have pointed your camera their way. (It would probably have looked a whole lot better, I admit.) I am rather pressed for new subject material these days, having explored most of the possible routes I can taken in a 45min walk around our house.