Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 1/8/2006
Thankyou Mr Suman GHosh for your comment.
Suman Kumar Ghosh
{K:437} 1/8/2006
Just get lost in them... in their beauty
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 12/9/2005
Thankyou Partha.
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 12/8/2005
This is nicely captured. I like the colour tone and the sharpness. Keep it up. Partha
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 11/15/2005
Thankyou Carsten. The monopod came in habdy in this shot and helped me to take suach a sharp shot.
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 11/14/2005
Stunning colors ! A wonderful photo, sharp and perfect exposition, nicely composed. Congrats !
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 11/7/2005
Thankyou Lydia, this is all natures creation and im just trying to capture that and tyrying to make peo-ple aware of things which we can loose if we dont preserve Mother Earth.
Lydia Dotto
{K:694} 11/7/2005
Whoa, dramatic colors on those birds! What a great shot. I love the elegant lines of the birds in their different poses, The details and different shading of colors on their feathers is also very interesting. Very well done.
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/24/2005
Thankyou Tim. This is the first time Im handling a monopod and it surely helped me in getting the sharpness in the shot.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 10/24/2005
wow...you are off to a great start with your D50!! just a lovely shot with amazing color!
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
You are right on that Ian. I was hearing a lot of negative or not so positive reviews about the kit D50 18-55 lens. But I think the lens is a good one, not like the 18-70 but good anough for me. The details came out properly in this shot and so did the colours.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 10/23/2005
Yes the colours and also really enjoying all those details to the feathers as repeated patterns from bird to bird. Nice study!
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
Thankyou Serpil. Yes you are right, the colours were stunning.
serpil güler
{K:1022} 10/23/2005
incredible colours! congratulation:) Serpil.
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
Thankyou Susie. There we also Chilean flamingos at this park but I could get a clear view of those as they were resting in the shade.
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
Thanks a lot Mario.
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
Dada, how are you. Good to see your posts back in usefilm. Kamon acho janio.
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
Thankyou Dr Datta. Sorry for not commenting on your work regularly.
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
Thankyou Antonio.
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
Thankyou Biswajit Dasgupta. Yes the colours were stunning. Looks far better with the naked eye. This is natures magic for you.
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
Thankyou Matija.
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 10/23/2005
Thankyou Galal for your comment.
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 10/22/2005
Amazing! I've only seen the cheesy plastic version of these beautiful birds. This is great!
Mario Carrascoso
{K:2175} 10/22/2005
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 10/22/2005
Wow!!what colors ,lovely Deb ,love,dada.
Dr. Pratim Datta
{K:474} 10/22/2005
A vivid and balanced shot!
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 10/22/2005
very classic, colors and composition are outstanding here; very very nice and equilibrated
{K:2818} 10/22/2005
Excellent composition&colour,well done.
matija s
{K:323} 10/22/2005
lovely shoot and colors!
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 10/22/2005
Amazing composition , great colors , poses and reflections , Best regards .