{K:6731} 3/19/2007
Wow! Would love to be there! Such a powerful feeling. Love the lighting.
{K:2772} 11/14/2005
Nice work and thanks for your comment
Monir El.Shazly
{K:2218} 11/10/2005
excellent idea... excellent exposure... a bit out of focus...but very good work
sh aaa
{K:104} 11/7/2005
a necklace of light ... amazing
basem samir
{K:62} 11/5/2005
boos ya sedy el la2ta wel lighting haylen mafesh kallam bas e3tterraaady 3alla 7agteen el 2sm wel font ya sedy bas
sherif hussein
{K:13815} 11/3/2005
Very beautiful shot Mazin & nice angle Sherif
{K:7476} 10/29/2005
well done wael
Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 10/28/2005
poerfect shot Mazine night shots.... wowwwwwwwww too hard 2 be good just like urs :) excellent Omnia :)
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 10/28/2005
mazin first i don'n know if you know that i'm an old architect or not. second i was in the alexandria university architectural staff for 11 years,
and sure i studied the Islamic architecture as well as i love it
the point is the WORD FEAR,, this is not the complete correct translation,, and i think even it may in th eholy Quran * yakhafoun ALLAH ,, but you can't translate it in one word..
the main point is : even the Mosques architecture in the real islamic didn't match or belongs to CONCEPT because the simple great Mousques in the early begining of Islam were without concept or monimemtal approach so .. please spread the idea of LOVE in Islam more than the fearness.. ans sure the power of GOD can't be by HUGE spaces only,... it comes from love GOD i know it was just a word ,, and you don't mean to give a sense of freaness Islam is to spread LOVE and PEACE .. sorry for all that
mazin a.karim
{K:1057} 10/28/2005
Thnx M. Banna...
The whole idea behind this huge place was to make people feel the power of GOD... especially in a mosque... That's why you always feel small there...
The feeling of fear/power as a concept was always related to building mosques in islamic cairo... and it was always translated into huge architectural elements that convey this feeling to people using this mosque...
I personally don't agree with that approach because i don't need huge architecture to feel how small i am... afterall it's still human... i can just look around me to the sky/universe to feel how small i am... and how powerful GOD is..
Simply... just call it greatness..!! EZT.
mazin a.karim
{K:1057} 10/28/2005
Thank you Ahmed for ur comments Yes this mosque is open at night after the rennovation period i think...
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 10/28/2005
nice angle great lighting WELL DONE
dont understand why afraid ?
N3ma Allah Hisham
{K:5465} 10/28/2005
wonderful light .. contrast..tones..compositon..they r all good too. well done..
ahmed saied
{K:8734} 10/28/2005
Wounderful view Mazin , as we go through civilization we will always still be amazed and feel so small towards the ancient aspects and archetecture . Does this mosque open at night ?
Ms. Mel Brackstone
{K:5285} 10/27/2005
It certainly looks scary to me