marco ds
{K:6335} 3/11/2006
Thank you so much for the comment J., you're right. I love those places, they are in my heart. Cheers, Marco
j esford
{K:13518} 3/9/2006
Marco, I too passed this photo spot. I have the exact vantage point photo in my office 12" x 30", from 9-5 Monday through Friday, The Valley takes me to a "gentler", "kind-er" place. The light in the desert is very very difficult to capture, you've done a fine job here. ***movie recommendation*** "Electra Glide in Blue" check it out!
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/7/2005
Thank you Ann, I'm just looking at your photos, very beautiful! I see the photo called "Are We There Yet??" and relative comments: in my opinion, everybody takes photos according to one`s vision about the subject, everybody sees things in different way. Regards, Marco
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/5/2005
This is great Marco. I went there from the south so I didn't get to see this road as it's north of MV. I just love road shots and to have Monument Valley at the end here is just wonderful. Someone else pointed something out to me in a similar image I posted which I thought made good sense in such a photo. If you crop this at the bottom to take the road into the corners of the image it makes it more dramatic. Great shot. I love it. Great work and fantastic location. Cheers - Ann :)
marco ds
{K:6335} 11/5/2005
Thank you, for your suggest. And to Kes too, for adjusting my photo. Bye, Marco
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 11/5/2005
Hi Marco!
I agree with M. Towski that morning and evening often provide better landscape lighting opportunities. Perhaps the greater challenge is in between these times. I think.
However, we are often too busy to wait for the light. Thus the darkroom, be it either digital or film.
I took the liberty of adjusting your photo so that it is more pleasing to my eye. Everyone has different tastes...I'm fairly new to digital and am just amazed how easy it is to "jazz-up" a shot.
You have an excellent composition I think. A classic landscape with your title.
Just to pass on a personal observation, I have found that the centerline on rural highways is not always in the exact center of the road. Speaking from actual experience, the asphalt laydown machine sometime does a wider pass on one side than the other...and the painter crew later just follows the joint of the two sides. Wow, I digress.
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 11/5/2005
It is very hard to shoot a good landscape at around noon. A polarizing filter may help a bit in simlar situations, but it is all about lighting. This photo would not stand a chance against a similar picture taken at sunrise or sunset, whatever is better for this situation It is a good concept and a poor execution. Don't get me wrong You can still put this shot in Your family album and get good comments, but usefilm unfortunately is not a family album. Don't get discouraged, I am not commenting Your skills only the picture
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 11/5/2005
Amazing it goes on and on .best wishes vanessa