Shahab Sadeghi
{K:402} 4/14/2008
Well Done Well Done BRAVO real Fibonacci.... i love this shot tanx for sharing
tugba trr
{K:123} 5/18/2006
perfect paterns ı love the colors but ı couldnt understand thaat what it is butt it is really perfect image congrat.
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 5/18/2006
Amazing photo .. very creative !! Peter
Padmasankar Jadu
{K:790} 4/12/2006
I see fibanacci everywhere in this image.
William Wilson
{K:380} 3/24/2006
well done
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 3/11/2006
Really a great photo, every thing about it captures my attention. Please, though, someone tell me what this is?? I assume it is some kind of plant material, but that is all I can guess.
Melanie Peters
{K:2248} 2/19/2006
Like lots of little trees,I love it, what a great macro shot
Umberto Fortini
{K:3309} 2/9/2006
Beutifull image, great macro!!! Umberto
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 2/4/2006
Irenka Daniluk
{K:8011} 1/28/2006
Wo0w, amazing macro! looks like creature from outer space! Perfect DOF and clarity.
Anna A
{K:315} 1/13/2006
Hi Martin, You are right, there was a tungsten light and I also put a red light for the background. I tried some red balance, but eventually I preferred the warm tones of the original balance. Your picture is very interesting, it accentuates the alien sensation!
Anna A
{K:315} 1/13/2006
Hi Josh, Sorry for the late answer. Yes, I use an adaptor to mount Nikon lenses on Canon bodies. I bought it on eBay. It works in manual or aperture priority mode. The only problem I get is that when I need a small aperture I have to focus with the lens fully open and then to close the lens manually.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/9/2006
An outstanding image Anna well deserved of this award. The colour is perfect as it is and the background is a wonderful compliment. Excellent DOF and superb clarity and details. A great composition used here also. Congratulations on a great photo.
Cheers and Happy New Year - Ann :)
Ordilei Caldeira
{K:2545} 1/9/2006
yes! my eyes lik it very much, they play whith the image.
James Philip Pegg
{K:10138} 1/9/2006
Anna, great colours, sharp, great design. -James
Martin Wedelsbaeck
{K:294} 1/9/2006
I didnt like the red colour balance. Did you use tungsten lights? Here is my take on the subject http://www.usefilm.com/Image.asp?ID=1025643
 another version |
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 1/9/2006
I remember this one, DESERVES to be a winner, congrats!!
Lori :)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/9/2006
so cool... is very great macro detailled! good work.. JUST A CHOICE OF AN AWARD!!! congrats roby 7
Derek Dixon
{K:4948} 1/9/2006
A truly alien broccoli! I also have done some shots of it... and it tastes great too... shame in only seems to be available around october/november. Nice shot Anna. By the way cesira... suggesting I'm 'robbing' Anna's picture is highly offending.
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 1/9/2006
Wow!!! that is just stunning! I love the scale, and the color balance. beautiful photo!
Phillip Cohen
{K:10561} 1/9/2006
This is really something. Looks like a Mandelbrot fractal. Nature and mathematics at its finest. Well seen and well captured. I look forward to seeing more. Congrats on the BIP too.
Josh McMurtrie
{K:-54} 1/3/2006
can you mount a nikon lens on a 20d? Josh
Emma Petrella
{K:3577} 12/8/2005
great texture and great effects! Congr.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 12/8/2005
What a truly great macro! Well deserved recognition, spot-on target for the project.
Alberto Di Gangi
{K:2375} 12/7/2005
Composizione meravigliosa; 7++++++++++++++++++ Alberto Di Gangi
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 12/7/2005
Bella, una composizione veramente splendida.
Daniel Oyola
{K:1793} 12/6/2005
La Secuencia de Fibonacci. El número de la belleza.... Excelente ejemplo, hermoso trabajo... Saludos, Daniel
Anna A
{K:315} 12/5/2005
Thanks a lot Paulo for your comment. I bought the Nikon macro lens for my Nikon FM2 and fell in love with it. When I bought the Canon D20 I was in trouble because I couldn't afford a Canon macro lens. Then I found an adaptor on eBay. Wonderful! Now I can shoot digital with my favourite lens!
Paulo Martel
{K:2550} 12/5/2005
Dear Anna,
wonderful macro of an alien plant. I would be careful about eating it, you might turn green or something... ;)... I also like the orange background, creates a strong contrast and makes the picture feel more alien.
Regards from Portugal, Paulo
P.S.-I also like the fact that you have used a Nikon lens on Canon body... a display of ecumenism in photography ;)
Jose Prieto
{K:671} 12/5/2005
Very beautiful well done! Jose
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 12/5/2005
more of excellent. H.A
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 12/5/2005
lovely shot Anna! great patterns here, you really nailed the project. congrats on the well deserved BIP. cheers, todd
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 12/2/2005
HI Anna,
WOW! This is great! PERFECT for 'Patterns in Nature'! lOVE THE COMPOSITION, AND THE BACKGROUND COLOR just really set this one off. Perfect lighting also!
Congrats on your deserved recognition! Lori :)
David Pereira
{K:160} 12/2/2005
cesira urzi
{K:1828} 12/1/2005
anna... un certo derek dixon ti ha rubato questa foto! o forse ne ha scattata una simile... chissà!
cesira urzi
{K:1828} 11/30/2005
if you scroll down to see the whole image it looks like it's moving! Quite freaky.... Cool alien, better than the stupid exhibition at the science museum....
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 11/22/2005
Marvellous macro with fabulous detail and colours. An excellent composition Margaret
Sergio M. Cameno
{K:7856} 11/21/2005
Great abstract! The definition is perfect! Well done!
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 11/20/2005
In the nature Fibonacci math series is directly linked to the gold section which,as Soul 21 explained us define beautifulness. Also it is realate to the geometry where for instance we can find F.series represented by the spiral like we can note observing much closer this vegeteable. An intruiging and very smart shot I love it Paolo Well done
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 11/20/2005
Beautiful macro of this :)
Bahram Piri
{K:1377} 11/20/2005
very beautiful macro capture, well done.
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 11/19/2005
Can't advise you about eating it, not sure how to cook it anyway. I advise you take another photo with even stronger sidelighting and a dark background, maybe on black and white film or convert a digital colour picture. It's worth experimenting with. Have fun whatever you do.
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 11/19/2005
Wonderful macro, great colours and details.
Anna A
{K:315} 11/19/2005
Thanks a lot for all the comments! I was doing some shopping at Sainsbury and suddenly my eye was captured by this alien presence. I'm still a bit scared every time I open the fridge. Should I eat it?
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 11/19/2005
John was right, it looks like something from Star Trek! Superb piece of macro photography Anna, the colours and lighting are simple and show all that amazing texture. :~}
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 11/19/2005
Beautiful macro shot Anna,amazing details,excellent composition Regards
abhra aich
{K:8830} 11/19/2005
Massimiliano Vono
{K:990} 11/19/2005
good work with macro....of what??
soul 21
{K:27572} 11/19/2005
favolosa rappresentazione della serie di Fibonacci....il rapporto tra due termini successivi tende a 0,618 il numero aureo...... considerato dai greci il numero della bellezza il numero dell'armonia....il rettancolo che ha l'altezza uguale alla base moltiplicato per 0.618 è un rettangolo bello...... così la composizione di una fotografia è bella se il soggetto principale è posto in uno dei 4 punti che si ottengono moltiplicando la base per 0,615 e l'altezza per 0,618.
la disposizione dei semi nel girasole segue la serie di Fibonacci...la natura ama il bello e quindi utilizza il numero 0,618 come nella tua bellissima fotografia complimenti 7+++++++ e tra le mie preferite
Jara Parijayee
{K:4964} 11/19/2005
Lovely exploration. Wonder who had thought about its designs!
{K:4565} 11/19/2005
wonderful abstract shot , very nice colors and light , great comp Regards
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 11/19/2005
great macro, wonderful photograph Nigel
John William
{K:775} 11/19/2005
Very cool picture. Looks like it's from another planet.