Massimiliano Ingrosso
{K:6591} 11/29/2005
In questa la scansione ha perso qualcosa, soprattutto i neri, ma immagino che su pellicola sia altra cosa
Bella la composizione, dall'icona sembrava quasi una classica foto "romantica" di venezia, ed invece e' vita di tutti i giorni: difficilmente i turisti vanno in giro con il carrello della spesa
Occhio sempre attento al bello nell'ordinario
Ciao Max
donatella tandelli
{K:1376} 11/26/2005
dust exactly in the scanner so much 400 iso you cant' consider a graint film
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 11/26/2005
There are different types of problems with film and digital media. You are correct that with digital cameras, noise comes from using the JPEG format as well as higher ISOs. In film, you can get more grain at 400ISO and above which is the same type of problem with digital cameras. However, when you scan in your film image into the computer, you have now digitized the image and have the possibility of introducing digital noise into the image or JPEG compression artifacts. What I was commenting on probably happened when you scanned the image and actually look like dust from the scanner.. anyway, I think the image is great, really like the perspective and the overall composition.. good work
donatella tandelli
{K:1376} 11/23/2005
noise is about digital..... this a b/w film 400 iso
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 11/23/2005
nice image.. there is a bit of noise in the photo but the composition is good
Dr. Thomas Krebs
{K:1376} 11/23/2005
Great place to take black and white pictures. This is a fine one.
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 11/23/2005
nice street photo
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 11/23/2005
Good b&w image you should enter the silouhette project,best wishes vanessa
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 11/23/2005
splendido controluce e ottimo b/w