Photographer: Katleen Waterplas (Karma=207)
lennik, Vlaams Brabant Belgium
About: Hello, this is me...
I like --> Taking pix, glamour, carnaval, lingerie, colours, cinema, collecting things, fifties, thirties, Moulin rouge, ripping pages out of magazines, whipped cream on hot chocolate, kittens, puppies, playing mind games, travelling, horses and riding them, cuddle in the morning, go dancing with friends,? ------- lifestyle --> Above all: respect *for my body, my mind & myself* I don?t do drugs/smokes/cheating -- love is my drug * I like being interested, open to new things, flexible* I want to know, see, feel everything around me. That?s what inspires me* people inspire me* I love clichés* I like plain things * I can see beauty in details * I wish people would care more*
Big kisses
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