Photographer: Maryam Sahafzadeh (Karma=3380)
About: Born and raised in Iran . I've always been artistic from an early age. I became serious about photography recently. I am an incurable self-assured, as you will see from my photos ;) Feel free to contact me directly at notre_dame75@yahoo.com Also check out my following weblog : http://notredame75.blogspot.com/ For years I took pictures of people & pets in the street by mobile, Two years ago I began photographing in our parties, with a digital camera . So I beg you to be patient with me; but also to be severe in your comments. After opening of this portfolio I made a decision that show my pictures even unrules pics in this site as I put them in my room. So if someone want to make me happy and visit my room I suggest to do it through my portfolios. Photography is a wonderful thing...I respect photographers work, you are all so different, and produce different work, and that is what keeps it interesting.
There are 26 images in 1 Pages