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Photographer: Kambiz K  This user is a imageopolis Donor (Karma=37420)

About: I was born and brought up in Iran, a beautiful country full of history. I started taking photos at an early age of my life with a Lubitel, a Russian twin lenses camera. Most of my photos in those days were black and white. It was a very nice camera that my parents gave me when I was 15 years old.
I always loved to see images. I remember that I would spend time in the library for hours and hours looking at the different photos in Life Magazine, National Geographic and other photographic journals and books. Also I always loved nature, and the different patterns made in it. I remember because of my Entomology studies, I would spend hours in the laboratory looking into microscopes at those beautiful and perfect structures that God created in those different tiny flowers, plants, tiny nematods, animals and insects. Then after I finished university in Iran, I left to do on my M.Sc. in California, the Golden State. There I was witness to even more of the beauties that nature held in each different moments of time. I remember I was always walking and trying to absorb all the scenes in my mind and memory as well as recording them on film. I forgot to say that I received another precious gift from my parents. That was a Canon camera with a fixed lense (G-III QL17). Then after I finished my studies, I returned to Iran for work. I consider myself an artist photographer.
At present I have a lovely Minolta Dynax 7, Mamiya 7II with few lenses. I still love and adore nature and all aspects of it. As a result I love macro photography, landscape, architecture (old and new), and many other categories like artistic abstracts, travel, people, fashion, and photo journalism.
I have a vast numbers of printed photos, slides and thousands of negatives which all are archived in many folders.
I love to share my observations through my photos with those people who love and appreciate.

You may make a donation to on behalf of this member to make them a donor, or add an additional year to their donor status by clicking this button.
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Page #        
There are 3 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - Chaos

Kambiz K Donor
Comments 3
Views 709
Rating Pending / 0 

Picture Title - Un-Edibble !!

Un-Edibble !!
Kambiz K Donor
Comments 4
Views 662
Rating Pending / 0 

Picture Title - Desire

Kambiz K Donor
Comments 6
Views 1083
Rating Pending / 1 



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