Photographer: Somnath Mukherjee (Karma=658)
Englewood, CO
About: Born in the year 1981 at Kolkata, West Bengal, India. I'm a Software Engineer in profession and a dedicated amateur photographer. I started painting as my initial venture in visual arts, and latter moved to photography when I first grabbed my small Canon PowerShot S410 Digital ELPH back in the year 2005. Before turning into photography I did a through study of the subject in my pass time. As an enthusiast I go for any kind of good capture I can get, be it a landscape, portrait, still life, or anything that looks good on my eye. But my favorite themes are, candles and flames, portrait, close ups. Well as far my skills are concerned, I am just a child playing at the seashore and trying to collect some good pebbles. Please rate and critique my snaps. Your valuable suggestions and tips are my support to improve. Thank You.
My profile ------------------------------ Name:Somnath Mukherjee Academics:Bachelor in Technology (BTech) - Information Technology Profession:Working as a Software Engineer at Cognizant Technology Solutions My inspiration:Sudatta, my wife, the best friend and blessing on my life
Portfolio: Nature and Travel
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