Critique By:
Cesar Costa (K:477)
2/15/2006 1:57:35 PM
thks Gayle, I'll try your suggestion. Glad you liked the picture.... this one i simply did no have time to think of a crop...
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Cesar Costa (K:477)
2/15/2006 1:37:40 PM
olá leonardo, na verdade ela é colorida e eu diminui a saturação em volta do olho.. que bom que gostou...
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Leo Régnier Я£ (K:67696)
2/15/2006 2:16:20 AM
Olá Cesar, excelente essa tua foto. Ela foi tirada em PB e depois colorido o olho?
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Gayle's Eclectic Photos (K:91109)
2/13/2006 8:07:20 AM
i agree that it is part of a romantic dinner and a nice detail to enhance the ambience ;> good job with capturing the light so well and the colors really pop against the black BG....regards,gayle
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Gayle's Eclectic Photos (K:91109)
2/11/2006 4:29:51 AM
hi, i think this is a pretty scenic,but i would suggest to crop some of the blown-out top sky and some of the pure black bottom...i think such a crop would make this a stronger shot...love the colors,sheen of light on the foreground area,and the sun-rays...the boat is so small,but it does direct the eye to the background...regards,gayle
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Gayle's Eclectic Photos (K:91109)
2/11/2006 4:23:18 AM
hi and thanks for comment on my foggy tree,CC yes, this does look like the fight club style...very nice to virtually meet you! Definently a babe,but so many people in your country are so attractive in my opinion...must be the zest for life!...not fond of the yellow cast and would color balance this....also, the eyes need to be sharply focused and show some detail...but i like the framing of shot and the smoldering eye expression ;> regards,gayle
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Naomi Neal (K:909)
1/23/2006 3:25:50 AM
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Megan Bull (K:627)
1/23/2006 3:08:27 AM
The colors are AMAZING! That's stunning.
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Jason Mckeown (K:22200)
1/23/2006 2:36:02 AM
great capture the colours are magical
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Cesar Costa (K:477)
1/23/2006 2:19:20 AM
Eu cropei sim, mas muito pouco. A praia vermelha é um lugar maravilhoso pra tirar fotos de surf pois as ondas quebram muito perto da areia (ai onde ele está a agua pega na cintura) e na areia tem pontos mais altos que dá um visão muito boa... no caso eu estava num desses morros
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Cesar Castaldi (K:231)
12/26/2005 12:09:50 PM
O momento certo para se clicar! Essa foto saiu direto da 300mm ou rolou um crop para aumentá-la? Ou estava dentro do mar?? = )
Parabéns pelas fotos!
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Nadia Stanke (K:5318)
9/24/2005 12:54:21 AM
Nice shot! He looks like he could really stare you down. Good colours and tilt...I like it!
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Cesar Costa (K:477)
8/2/2005 2:14:27 AM
I really liked the effect too... looks a little comic book style...
about the shapness of the face... it's pretty hard to get my friend quiet heheh and the ligths conditions weren't good so I had to use low speed... in fact I wasn't expecting much from this photo so I didn't try again...
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Anindya Maity (K:7880)
8/1/2005 7:42:21 PM
Perfect timing,very impressive.
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Anindya Maity (K:7880)
8/1/2005 7:40:48 PM
Interesting effect of light and contrast.would have liked the face of the friend on the left to be more visible and sharper.
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Anindya Maity (K:7880)
8/1/2005 7:38:25 PM
The intense concentration on the cyclist's face is the focal point of this beautiful pix imo.I like the light and the toning too.
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
ricardo longhi-frantz (K:9628)
7/30/2005 9:30:29 PM
linda obra! as pessoas estão "apertadas" na composição mas por isso mesmo tem tão grande impacto. parece que todas as forças cósmicas confluem naquele exato momento para auxiliar o aprendizado do menorzinho. a sensação que passa é de imensa bondade e ternura, de proteção e carinho quase angélicos. excelente trabalho.
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Noshi Ishak (K:638)
7/30/2005 9:29:13 PM
So romantic!!
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
ricardo longhi-frantz (K:9628)
7/30/2005 9:20:58 PM
boa essa. adoro beija-flores. o efeito dos focos de luz difusos ficou muito interessante e estrutura toda a composição, belo resultado. beija-flor é "humming-bird"
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
ricardo longhi-frantz (K:9628)
7/30/2005 9:08:32 PM
que linda essa! excelente composição e belo efeito de água fluindo. parece uma enorme catarata.
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Ahmed Ismail (K:19853)
7/30/2005 9:02:34 PM
wow ... a stunning shot. very beautful.
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
r u t h d r io (K:4339)
7/30/2005 8:58:46 PM
Nice shot! looks like a painting, so nice.Congrats!
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Tony Diana (K:13396)
7/30/2005 6:48:19 PM
Gracias por sus palabras y permitame felicitarle por este premio, cuyo gusto comparto
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Jean-Pierre Morin (K:398)
7/29/2005 12:43:34 PM
beautifully captured moment!
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Randy Libner (K:4084)
7/29/2005 6:09:02 AM
Oh man........ I wonder what was going through his mind at that moment! That's a great shot.
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
eli cash (K:-143)
7/29/2005 4:15:32 AM
great action photo
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Pat Fruen (K:12076)
7/29/2005 3:39:16 AM
This is just beautiful! I love the toning, her closed eyes, the grain, and the placement of the bubble...just right. Excellent.
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Robert Lewis (K:491)
7/28/2005 2:03:28 AM
Excellent capture....good focus...beautiful colors...excellent composition....great job
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Cesar Costa (K:477)
7/20/2005 5:29:38 PM
thakns a lot Trish!!
Photo By: Cesar Costa
Critique By:
Cesar Costa (K:477)
7/20/2005 5:27:49 PM
thaks David, this really is one of my best shots... I found har face very dramatic even in original (the sefia I made to put together with a cobre frame, and it did really worked out), I do give a lot of credits to the model... she is a very shy special girl that is always running from the camera... but when I catch her she always gives a different expression... in fact, in this photo I was hidden, pretending to be shooting her sister...
Photo By: Cesar Costa