Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 4/17/2004
One of the reasons why I love this shoot is that I never saw an subject and image like that. The spotlighted player with their long shaddows, the off centered composition, the light colors and the natural frame with the wave from the top, create a strange but very strong image. Good work! Carlheinz
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 4/4/2004
This photo is a representation of why Brazil is the best soccer team in the world. :) In addition, the photo has a fantastic atmosphere and the distance doesn't bother me. Congratulations.. Murat..
Rodrigo D
{K:1577} 4/2/2004
oi carmen, ... obrigado. Nao, essa foi tirada numa Digilux, a digital da Leica - emprestada, é claro... foi uma das meus poucos ingressos no mundo digital. Sou muito muito conservador pra deixar o mundo analógico da minha maquinha de 50 anos de idade... rrss. ;-)
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 4/2/2004
Rodrigo, não havia reparado nesta no seu portfolio! Passei por aqui no projeto de perspectiva e te encontro ao lado do meu "parceiro" Márcio Que idéia fantástica! Ótimo ponto de vista! Parabéns! Um abraço, Carmem PS: também escaneado na HP?
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 4/1/2004
Hi Rodrigo. Nice grains happening in the sand here.
Rodrigo D
{K:1577} 3/30/2004
thank you Vojin... it is in Rio de Janeiro, at Copacabana beach, a view from the 10th floor of a friends apartment. regards,
Rodrigo D
{K:1577} 3/30/2004
there is no playing field... I take care to get out of frame the light post and street that would appers if I have included more of the left side... thank you for your comment!
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 2/29/2004
Now this is a most interesting point of view. It feels very "objective". The lighting is good, but I'm not entirely convinced by the crop. It's not bad, but it does make me wonder what the photo would have looked like if you had included more of the playing field.
Vojin Jankovic
{K:290} 1/14/2004
Very nice photo. Modern theme but looks like painting. I?d like to know where is it, but anyway. Cheers
Mikael Leijon
{K:2224} 1/9/2004
Looks nice. Great light! /Mikael
Stian Wiik
{K:1516} 12/29/2003
looks cool. wish I were there. Great view. Nice! :)
Carlos Romero
{K:1027} 12/28/2003
Very Good!
charlie f. kohn
{K:25919} 12/28/2003
dear rod, very unusual perspective, distance and angle. detached seems to be the right word. tank you very much for your comment on 'scriptures' seasonal greetings charlie.f.kohn@sixpence-pictures.com // madrid
Rodrigo D
{K:1577} 12/17/2003
In fact, there is something unconfortable seeing people as I was detacheted from Earth!... the initial idea it was just the unusual crop and the interresting lighting. However, the result was that and I like it.
THank you for your commentar. I'm a great fan of you: the poetry of your street portraits touched me many times and inspired me to take my owns portraits. As soon I had submited one, i would appreciate your critics. best regards!
david malcolmson
{K:4145} 12/17/2003
This is an unusual, but effective angle on soccer, Rod. They must be very dedicated to play on what looks like a very cold evening. The figures are very ant-like - there's something distrubing about seeing human beings from this height.The light, the compositon and the perspective combine to produce a curious feeling of detachment .If that was your intention you have certainly succeeded. Best wishes. David
marc ferrez
{K:21} 12/11/2003
the frame is unusual, the light is great, the composition is quite good, the fotographer is very creative! congratulations...
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 12/11/2003
Very good shot!!!!