Nilüfer Çınar
{K:68} 7/3/2007
Regards! My name (nilüfer) means waterlily in Turkish. I LIKE THIS PHOTO!..
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 6/15/2007
Fantastica la luce sulle gocce d'acqua..bellissima! Ale
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 6/14/2007
Very nice!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 6/12/2007
una fresca immagine sembra di sentir scosciare l'acqua..quasi un effetto pittorico dona alla foto ciao
roberto canepa
{K:7382} 6/12/2007
ciao Giuseppe, stavo per scrivere il mio commento, poi ho pensato di leggere prima i precedenti (peraltro tutti bravissimi fotografi): è senz'altro una fresca, splendida foto dai bellissimi colori pastello, e anche molto ben elaborata; in effetti sarei d'accordo con Joggie sul fatto che lo zampillo forse era importante, anche se l'osservazione di Yoshiyuki sembra corretta... dovendo scegliere tra i due tipi di foto, però, se ci fosse stato spazio avrei scelto quella a più largo campo. ...ma giusto perchè l'hai messa nel critiquer's corner! roby
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 6/12/2007
Giuseppe, we both like it and find it very painterly! Of course, you might have two choices: give up the falls and have it implied only by the movement in the water and water drops OR include more of the fall and also keep some flower(s). The first choice is easier, the second choice......it depends how the falls are located in connection with the flowers.Again, the water of the falls on some leaves would be a different shot alltogether, but as beautiful. (well, just a suggestion.) YT & Gabriela
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 6/12/2007
Exquisitely beautiful, dear Giuseppe!:)
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 6/11/2007
Che bella sensazione di vitalità e freschezza rende questa foto Giuseppe, ha anche un vago sapore di estremo oriente, splendido il dettaglio. Dino
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 6/11/2007
Hi Giuseppe - The colour and subtle light on the flowers are beautiful and so the crsp detail. I do have a problem though with the waterfall - Not enough of it is included to make it really part of the composition. I would like to see more of the splashing end to show the relation to the drops on the leaf better. As it is, it's a bit obtrusive without really adding to the composition. Nevertheless a great effort with a very difficult composition to pull off! Kind regards. joggie
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 6/11/2007
Giuseppe:) Miraculous freshness kropel of water. Beautiful, natural colours and the pretty elements of the composition. Perfect quality of details. Very pretty painting... Warm hugs:) Viola