Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/29/2006
Thank you so very much, Doyle!:)
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 8/29/2006
Cool image Shirley! The tie looks like ice and really makes this shot work for me. VERY creative and another awesome idea!! :)
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~~
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/29/2006
Thank you so very much, Ameed!:)
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 8/29/2006
I like it allot Shirley, nice done and the back ground is adding, I wonder how it would like with a totall black background!! ;) Cheers,
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/23/2006
Thank you so very much, dear Sue!:)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/23/2006
Thank you very much, Jon! It is not an ashtray, it is a crystal candleholder. Didn't think of entering this in the Glass project.:)
Jon O'Brien
{K:11321} 8/22/2006
Very creative. I initially mistook the ashtray and its pink shadow as a bodice, making the image caricature-like in its proportions. Now I see a boy tie :-] ... why didn't you include this one in the "Glass" project?
Quix Photography
{K:20204} 8/22/2006
This I love! Especially how the bow tie & shadow makes the shape of a heart... very creative & excellently put together x
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/22/2006
Thank you so very much, Partha!:)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/22/2006
Thank you so very much, dear Hanggan!:)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/22/2006
Thank you so very much, Riny!:)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/22/2006
Thank you so very much, Pradnya!:)
Pradnya D
{K:3875} 8/22/2006
awesome work as always, Shirley
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 8/22/2006
more than wonderful..:)
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 8/22/2006
So tender and sweet. Great composition and very feminine colors, Shirley. Excellent work!
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 8/22/2006
Great visualisation poewr. So artistic and creative.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/22/2006
Thank you so very much, Metoni!:)
metoni .
{K:24727} 8/22/2006
interesting photoart composition. Nice colors and realisation.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/22/2006
Cute, Paul! Thank you so very much!:)
The Pilgrim
{K:65001} 8/22/2006
Very beautiful work of art here Shirley. Your creativity seems almost endless!! Love the composition and the tones..... I thought I reconized Anna! hehe
congrats on a lovely work of art!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/22/2006
Thank you so very much, Ralf!:)
Ralf Denguth
{K:3353} 8/22/2006
Less is more! Great composition Shirley! Very well done. Cheers, Ralf
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174106} 8/22/2006
Thank you so very much, Cathy!:)
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 8/22/2006
Very clever. You are far more an artist than simple photographer. This image is perfection. CC