Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 10/17/2009
Thanks for your comment, Dan. Best wishes, Gabriella.
Dan TDFoto
{K:8618} 10/17/2009
so different and unusual.... well done!:)
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 10/11/2009
j`avoue que vous avez raison, yous les deux. merci et je t`embrasse.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 10/11/2009
yueah it s weird as Wolf said.. as a thumbnail it looks great when it is enlarged it loses some of its power
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 10/10/2009
Nanda, I`m glad you like my photo, thank you. Regards, Gabriella.
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 10/10/2009
thank you, Zeev and ...shalom!
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 10/10/2009
Excellent effect achieved,master art
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/9/2009
Very nice capture. Best wishes Nanda
M jalili
{K:69009} 10/8/2009
My regards .............
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 10/8/2009
I'm glad you like this one. My best, Gabriella.
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 10/8/2009
Multam fain, ma bucur ca-ti place. Servus, Gabi
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 10/8/2009
Thank you, Yazeed. regards.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 10/6/2009
Hola!, estuve muy ocupado por estos días, pero ya estoy de regreso...
Nos estamos viendo!
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 10/6/2009
I love this superb portrait work dear Gabriella. Congrats. My best wishes. vehbi...
Sorin Timis
{K:885} 10/6/2009
fain efect Gabriela
M jalili
{K:69009} 10/5/2009
Yes I like it so much .................
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 10/5/2009
thank you, dear Kallol! hugs, G.
Gabriella M.
{K:33863} 10/5/2009
thanks for your comment, what I value very much. Regards, Gabriella
Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 10/5/2009
Excellent shot...looks outstnding in the thumbnail view... best wishes Kallol
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 10/5/2009
It needs to be viewed at small format but then the pp is excellent.