Dhimant Vyas
{K:2509} 2/12/2004
Very good moment you captured! Good composition Regards Dhimant
Steve Rosenbach
{K:8338} 10/30/2003
Hello Aliyar,
This is a fantastic photo! The composition is really strong - there is tension between the women in the foreground and the men near the background, and the fact that they are heading in opposite directions helps the feeling of the photo and makes it more dynamic. The stone wall makes an excellent background, and the paving stones' lines radiating from front to back help tie everything together. wow!
My only suggestions - I have to agree with my Israeli "cousin" Gustavo that I would want to sharp focus to be either on the women or the men, rather than the wall (although I realize you probably had a split second to take this shot.)
Also - just a thought - it might benefit from changing the color balance to a warmer coloration- a sort of golden glow to the stone wall and the white clothing - that would go along with the late afternoon(?) lighting I see from the long shadows.
[Gustavo - are you originally from Argentina?]
Shalom & warm regards from Maryland, USA, Steve Rosenbach
Unknown Person
{K:235} 10/10/2003
The photos that like the most are photos that are capturing every day life. This photo has a nice composition, maby a little unfocused.Nice work!
Amitava Banerjea
{K:7088} 9/14/2003
Nice concept. Need focus on people in foreground. Preferably enought DOF to cover everyone - hyperfocal setting?
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 9/14/2003
As allways - men are from Mars and women are from venus - looking the opposite way ! Interesting image.
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 9/12/2003
Good capture with nice composition and colours. Regards, Joksa.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 9/9/2003
Interesting.Nice capture.
{K:26787} 9/9/2003
A good idea & composition; an image that shows so much. I agree with Kaj about the feet & sharpening ...
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 9/7/2003
Great shot, I like the compocition, but think it is a shame the bottom is crop, I would like to have tere feed in foto, I do altso think it should be a bit more sharpen, a bit out of focus.
regards Kaj Nielsen
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 9/7/2003
good photo
Joa Kim
{K:1743} 9/7/2003
Debtor for the commentary to my photograph "Smile". The black space of the left side was made thus, to give more distinction; I do not know if it resulted. Regards.
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 9/7/2003
Good composition! I like the atmosphere here. My best regards, Diana.
Joa Kim
{K:1743} 9/7/2003
Excellente efect.
Gustavo Hochman
{K:1001} 9/7/2003
Thanks for your comment about my photo,dear friend. But let me discord with you.These pictures are different.(Five minutes between shot to shot). But different. Same sad event. Two arabs moms. But different compositions...GRIEF...and cry. Different. Any way,thank you very much.
In your photo "Arab women...arab men",the line floor crossing,is the most important element.(In my opinion,however). Regards. ...and Shalom fron Israel. Gustavo
Gustavo Hochman
{K:1001} 9/7/2003
Nice shot! Next time,try focusing people.Not the standing wall.