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Photographer: Jerry Currier  (Karma=358)
San Francisco, CA USA 

About: I have been a photographer for almost 50 years. I’m a “photographic opportunist,” always on the visual prowl for intriguing images. I don’t specialize in any one subject, everything is fair game for my cameras. Henri Cartier-Bresson mentions in the preface to The Decisive Moment, “I prowled the streets…ready to pounce, determined to ‘trap’ life.” I understand that sentiment. I have a sense of urgency, a sense of the hunt when camera in hand I take to the streets to satisfy that craving to trap life. The arrival of the digital camera and image processing programs such as Photoshop coincided with my decision to retire from the world of business. Photography has now returned as a main focus in my life and I have the time to pursue it. has been the perfect place for me to learn and expand my skills, both as a photographer and a photographic artist.

I recently had an image published in Photographer’s Forum “Best of Photography Annual 2005” and was the Third Place Winner (People Category) in the first Canon Digital Rebel contest.

My website is

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There are 1 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - Clay Gods

Clay Gods
Jerry Currier
Comments 0
Views 246
Rating Pending / 0 
Canon  300D



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