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Critiques From Jenny Brown

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Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
10/18/2007 4:38:00 AM

Excellent choice of image for this project!! I laughed out loud, then logged in to see the image full size. I'd like to see more detail in some areas - the highlights are blocking up a bit, and several areas seem to have lost texture. It seems a tiny bit overexposed, or perhaps that the color balance is a little too far out there. But I love the contrast of the person in a heavy dark color popping out from the lighter background. And I love the combination of the beer and the ice; around my area the guys call beer "having a cold one" and your image really dramatizes that nicely. Your image made my night fun.
        Photo By: Michel Beaupré  (K:1725)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
9/27/2007 2:49:05 PM

Wow - gorgeous. Your picture makes me want to walk and explore the land like I did as a child in my own farmland. Every hill and clump of trees seems to hold a treasure of beauty.

In my mind, your image is mythical and the land is a fairy tale. Thank you for the beauty.
        Photo By: biljana mitrovic  (K:48110)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
1/31/2006 2:13:30 AM

Overall I like this (and it brings back wonderful memories for me too). But I noticed your b&w version was somewhat dull; attached is a Levels adjustment that might make it a bit more snappy. It does change the mood a bit though, and I'm not sure if that was what you were going for.
        Photo By: Ina Nicolae  (K:44481)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
4/1/2005 10:19:30 PM

This could be neat if it were sharper. Was higher ISO an option? The D70 can easily take good pictures up to iso 800. After that it gets pretty noisy. Again, the white balance seems to be wrong.

The composition is interesting and gives me a good sense of depth. If it were sharper I'd be very satisfied.
        Photo By: Amanda Whalen  (K:37)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
4/1/2005 10:16:10 PM

This one requires me to read the description to even know what's going on. Instead, you could do a closeup of the firecrackers in the puddles, which would a much clearer idea of what you were looking at. There's an interesting irony in firecrackers soggy and wet, so that could work well up close.
        Photo By: Amanda Whalen  (K:37)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
4/1/2005 10:14:54 PM

Your composition on this is pretty nice. You might consider a smaller aperture (f8 to f16 or so) to make the bright lights sharper. Lights, at night, tend to develop a halo, but you can control that based on your aperture. It would give it a slightly crisper appearance.

Overall the colors are nice and the composition is simple. That's good.
        Photo By: Amanda Whalen  (K:37)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
4/1/2005 10:12:25 PM

My first impression is simply that the image is too dark. I can't tell what's going on because of it. Since this is the Nikon D70 (which I also use!), you can adjust the ISO sensitivity up if you have to shoot handheld at night. If you were tripod mounted, that would help too. The other thing I notice is that it's overly orange. That implies you didn't have it set to incandescent white balance. If you shoot RAW mode, you can adjust this afterward; but if you shoot JPGs then you have to get it right before taking the picture.

The content could be interesting if I could see it better.
        Photo By: Amanda Whalen  (K:37)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
3/4/2005 6:04:38 PM

Very funny. I'm forever trying to step back from butterflies when they land too close for me to photograph.
        Photo By: Albert Clair  (K:445)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/23/2005 1:35:18 AM

Well, the D70 is a digital SLR. You can swap lenses. It behaves much like a film SLR. It will shoot a few frames per second if you're into speed. And the shutter release from the time you press the button is practically instant.

The 8800 came out afterward; 6 megapixels was the top when the D70 first came out. I haven't explored the 8800 at all because I'm completely happy with my D70, and I did my research then.

There are probably some differences between a digital slr and an all-in-one as well; research on the net regarding the advantages of a digital slr, and it will probably explain it. I don't know all of it off the top of my head.
        Photo By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/21/2005 10:39:24 PM

It would help a lot if you cleaned up the dark area under her eye - it looks like she's the unfortunate victim of a bruise. Also, some of her pupil is blended too much over the white area in the same eye.

Also, her feet are better defined than her hands, which is somewhat distracting/disturbing.

The crop helps dramatically from the previous photo. And there is definitely still possibility in this picture. It's going an interesting direction.

The only other thing I could add is that it would be nice to have more interesting light falling on her, so that even as a painting, it looked a bit more magical. The couch got some interesting light but her face was fully shaded, and rather flatly lit.

Hope that helps.
        Photo By: Marianne Gordon  (K:507)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/12/2005 3:51:23 AM

Since I was shooting with a Nikon D70 (digital), it only goes down to 200 iso. But that's clean enough for me.
        Photo By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/12/2005 3:50:41 AM

Nope, no tripod. There wouldn't have been room inside the crowded orchid show going on (at least, not with all the other photographers who were using them!). But at 1/30, shooting with a D70 with a 50mm lens, I didn't seem to need one.
        Photo By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/12/2005 12:47:45 AM

Thank you - I'm already aware of the ISO noise problem, and Neat Image, and such. This series of photos was exploring the limits of what the camera could give me in available light. Cats and young children sometimes react poorly to flash, so I was curious just what the camera could cope with when pushed. I mainly use iso 200 with flash when I have the option, but Neat Image does a surprisingly good job when I need it.
        Photo By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/11/2005 9:50:20 PM

What a cute moment! Too bad that the contrast of the light was so high; a cloud passing by would have helped. But of course, you can't make it do so. Consider going back on a day that's slightly cloudy though, for richer colors and less contrast.
        Photo By: ken osborn  (K:2997)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/11/2005 9:48:39 PM

Try this on a day when it is a little more overcast, and you'll get gentler color tones. This one is fairly contrasty, which isn't as flattering to the flowers as it could be. Also, a bit less depth of field might be nice, so the background is less distracting.
        Photo By: Larry Hammond  (K:16631)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/11/2005 9:30:34 PM

The colors are nice, but the unlevel horizon is disturbing. It also feels a hint out of focus, though I'm not sure why.
        Photo By: Ben Mora  (K:8)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/11/2005 9:28:06 PM

Gorgeous detail! That's some incredible lighting and exposure control. Amazing.
        Photo By: Yuri Bonder  (K:268)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/11/2005 9:09:53 PM

Very good exposure. The focus seems a bit soft, which might be a limit of this camera. But the color is wonderful.
        Photo By: Teunis Haveman  (K:37426)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/11/2005 4:53:55 PM

The 3d models are neat, and so is the shadow that gives them shape. I noticed that the image seems to be dark - underexposed, overall. Here is what you would get if you increased the exposure so the whites came out white instead of gray. You might try using exposure compensation in the future when there is a sky or white background.

        Photo By: mahmut akay  (K:3)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/10/2005 10:47:26 PM

I love the light toned background on this one; it makes the blue jay look like far more gentle of a bird. (Having seem them chase off others in the yard, I'm quite aware that they are far from gentle!) But that uniqueness makes it all the more interesting.
        Photo By: Andre Knudsen  (K:124)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/10/2005 10:30:31 PM

Good moment to catch. Here is a color-fixed one, with yellow and magenta added, to cancel the green-blue color of shooting near plants. You can get a similar effect with a Tiffen 812 warming filter, or you can fix the color in photo software.
        Photo By: Zsolt Radákovits  (K:10376)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/9/2005 10:18:07 PM

The tones and richness of this make me smile instantly when I see it; it's like a bit of sunshine. Wonderful capture and nearly painterly.
        Photo By: Serge Moscow  (K:-2917) Donor

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/9/2005 7:04:48 PM

Perhaps due to the reflections, this looks very gentle and home-like. It could probably benefit from a little cropping, but overall it's very nice.
        Photo By: Albert Clair  (K:445)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/9/2005 6:34:52 PM

Incredible! This is stunning and made me do a double take when I opened the big one. You absolutely did a fine portrait of him. And those eyes! Wow.
        Photo By: John Bohner  (K:8368) Donor

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/9/2005 5:22:59 PM

This is so completely CAT that it makes me laugh. Good expression to have caught.
        Photo By: Mark Sherman  (K:15669)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/8/2005 1:26:33 AM

Try #2 for processing the NEF, with color balance, exposure, and contrast all adjusted.
        Photo By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/8/2005 1:23:33 AM

Hm. Here's a re-adjustment, brighter, from the original NEF. The colors are slightly different from yours; did you adjust color balance too? Anyway, thanks for the ideas.
        Photo By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/8/2005 1:19:18 AM

I like it. I was considering making it brighter anyway, and the crop really helps because it eliminates that bright background.

Actually I ended up using this one in a tutorial, as a note to pay attention to sun spots in the background because they can be distracting...

I like the adjustments.
        Photo By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/7/2005 10:08:42 PM

The smooth tones and colors are gorgeous. I wish it had a bit more depth of field, but it's pretty nice where it's at too. Very good choice of simple background and tones.
        Photo By: Larry Fosse  (K:66493)

Critique By: Jenny Brown  (K:2859)  
2/7/2005 4:05:26 PM

Beautifully done. I found this fascinating and just kept looking at it. Wonderfully complex and interesting.
        Photo By: Alex Louizidis  (K:689)

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