Critiques From
Critique By:
Carsten Arnskov (K:21)
8/29/2003 3:16:06 PM
Ups, I seem to have forgotten to mention the location. It' s a place called Soltuvik on the west side of the island of Sandur, which is one of the Faroe Islands, which, as you of course know, are situated app. halfway between Iceland and Scotland. So if you wade out in to the sea from there, your next stop would be the eastcoast of Greenland.
Photo By: Carsten Arnskov
Critique By:
Carsten Arnskov (K:21)
8/17/2003 2:56:07 PM
Thank you very much for your comments. Much appreciated.
Photo By: Carsten Arnskov
Critique By:
Carsten Arnskov (K:21)
8/17/2003 5:12:20 AM
Sorry, I mean on the right side!!!
Photo By: Jim McNitt
Critique By:
Carsten Arnskov (K:21)
8/17/2003 5:11:11 AM
Another of your wonderful boat-scenes. I've seen several of your pictures on photo.net. They're good! This one you may have cropped a fraction of a millimeter too tight on the left side. I might also have sharpened it a tiny bit more.
Photo By: Jim McNitt
Critique By:
Carsten Arnskov (K:21)
8/16/2003 11:37:54 AM
Photo By: joe jags
Critique By:
Carsten Arnskov (K:21)
8/16/2003 11:29:05 AM
Well, thank you very much! And by the way, your english is just fine.
Photo By: Carsten Arnskov