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Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/6/2005 11:28:03 PM

like the sky, much better than our day there was!

what is that statue - seen it from afar, but never close up!
        Photo By: Mark Evans  (K:17428)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/6/2005 11:18:32 PM

so that's what it look like close up!

never gpot that enar - too far the metro and pubs for my legs!

like the toning - nice high-key image
        Photo By: Mark Evans  (K:17428)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/6/2005 7:14:05 PM

he's a little character, but still no sign of him. He's the neighbourhood moggie so I only have him on time share!

        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/5/2005 6:31:19 PM

ahh - the beauties of F2.8, getting one in focus was a nightmare, and with tht shallow DOF, the rest were dead blurry.

I like to think if gives it a 3D feel :-)

think I'll stick to landscapes - they stick still!
        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/5/2005 9:40:26 AM

Cheers Keith, it's the only big building in halifax - the rest is just depressingly dull generally. this is probably the most imposing angle you'd see it from - it's a huge triangle shape - but I'm in the building behind which is on the site of an old brewery!!! Sacrilige in my book - knocking a beer making establishment down for a bank!!
        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/2/2005 11:59:25 PM

do I remember this site or what???? so many pi$$ed up nights on the quay and you've just captured the wird visions Igot down there perfectly!!!!

bottle of brooone pet!

top shot mate
        Photo By: Mark Evans  (K:17428)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/2/2005 9:22:09 AM

Have a great Christmas and I hope you get everytthing you done that you want to!

See you in the new year and look out for my Xmas card.


        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/1/2005 10:46:46 PM

there was qwuite a lot of darkenss in it Steve - I exposed to keep the sky from burning out (pointed the camera at the blue bit and did a manual reading so the pointer went to +1).

Then framed the shot and hoped for the best.

the blue remained and the LHS was bright.

Had to dodge out the stones at the bottom and some detail at the RHS.

all courtosy of RAW :-)

        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/1/2005 10:17:57 PM

how do you nominate a BIP??

Seriously - this is BIP material Chris.

got a superb vanishing point with everything leading to it, great tones and a lovely sky, extremely crisp in the foreground etc.

a cracker
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
12/1/2005 10:13:33 PM

Alastair was at home that day - no chance of finding one :-)

had no time to myself on weekends at the mo - this ones a stag weekend as well!!!!

will have to get together soon and get some frosty shots. If I'm not completely wiped out then we should meet up on Sunday - there's a 70/30 chance against though!!!!

Oh - Damian's got his "dream kit". 5D, 24-79 F2.8 etc.

not jealous at all
        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/29/2005 12:57:36 PM

I thihnk Carole's taste it safe - this has captured that cold sunrise moment. Lovely and bright yet still feeling really chilly. also some characteristic mistin the background as well.
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/29/2005 12:55:28 PM

from the chimney stack behind, he was obviously a little scared!!

got a nice feel to it - not sure what it is - maybe the colour of the4 stack over the blue sky?


        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 9:44:18 PM

an alluring little glance - that kinda sexy secretary thing goin on here.

lighting on the face is spot on and I like the intimate crop.

very very professional looking image
        Photo By: carlo raingini  (K:11977)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 9:42:49 PM

it's getting framed and handed over to him tomorrow when he turns up...

think I've earned a beer now :-)

        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 9:38:59 PM

what have you been smoking??

Think I may have to have a go at placing the angel in wierd places...

now where was that one of Sainty with his arse out?
        Photo By: Danny Brannigan  (K:19523)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 9:38:07 PM

I do get jealous of your proximity to the coast sometimes Chris!!!

its over an hour either way for me, and 2 to a decent cliff!!!

if you ever read a book on composition and leading lines, you'll see a shot just like this!

it's all geared up to take your eyes oin a journety from the foreground path ending up at the top left where the pier is pointing.

Decent light too.

I'd be back there at sunset and for an hour after watching the sky change from yellow, through reds to purple - can't go wrong! Unless ou forget your tripod of course!
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 9:34:50 PM

ahh yes - better stones on this one.

far brighter and "stand out"

that's one hell of a grim sky - says "Welcome to Cumbria" all over it!
        Photo By: Danny Brannigan  (K:19523)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 9:33:32 PM

the hills in the background are outstanding - all srhouded in cloud and mystery.

shame the stones don't stand out a little more - should have got Marky and Keith shining big torches on them!!
        Photo By: Danny Brannigan  (K:19523)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 9:28:18 PM

wow - it really IS winter!

got yourself a Xmas card shot there if I ever saw one Chris. Superbly composed and just has that festive feel about it

just shoot a few coloured bulbs and put them on those trees :-)
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 9:25:32 PM

well spotted there bud - never would have seen taht one myself.

now I've for a fast longer lens, I really should start doing this kinda thing. the drainpipe's black so a little more covert too.... though having one yourself you'd know that!!

        Photo By: Danny Brannigan  (K:19523)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 9:24:01 PM

all those girs in bikinis and you get this danny??


like the water textures all around him - over his shoulders and on his hair - never seen that before!
        Photo By: Danny Brannigan  (K:19523)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 1:43:55 PM

geology gone mad Ann!!

amazing how these lone plinths are still standing - guess in a million years they'll have eroded away like the rest of th valley.

I quite like the SUV in the middle, does give scale as you say. Never realised quite how big they were.... should have guessed they'd be HUGE!

pretty decent all over focus - I had thye 18-55 and you've got to shut it right down to get things crisp - but it will do it :-)
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/25/2005 1:35:27 PM

there's more to the valley that Half Dome and El Capitain :-)

the whole place has an other-worldly feel to it, priobably the white and greys of the granite. You've got that shown really well at the top of the shot - the strange texture of the stone comes through really well.

Also the miniscule trees.... well so they look! Amazing to think that those match sticks are hige trees in reality!

the stream tops it off with a bit of life ande movement.

Class stuff
        Photo By: Ann Nida  (K:45248)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/24/2005 10:50:08 PM

you are the Colour King, but nice to see you trying other things - keeps it interesting :-)

not sure which of the 2 web shots I prefer, in a way the darker backgorund of the other makes the web stand out more, but the nice variation in tones on this also makes for an interesting shot.

frame's spor on for this shot too.
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/24/2005 5:32:07 PM

they bring out the colour in the wine.....?

We drew - good job cause the top order were skittled out.

Really have to beat them in the next one - go for broke and kick their asses.

Shaid Afridi's been cheating - digging up the crease for his spinners!! Dirty as ever
        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/24/2005 9:46:14 AM

I'm Dad 30 years ago according to people back home!!!

So I'll have bad knees, dicky tummy, white beard and a bald head!!!

I made a Bhuna but put a tad too much Chilli in for them!!! I was crying when I was frying it, so should really have fished a few out :-)

Funny watching them sweat though - and the Rioja didn't help cool it.

Could knock up a bit of the old Curry for next time - there's a travel lodge at the end of my street, so curry at mine and no hassles about driving afterwards!
        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/24/2005 12:00:45 AM

I'd done this with the usual white frame and it was pretty nice - but it made the sunset seem warmer and "nice".

It was bloody freezing (ask my mum about her feet!!!) so tried to chage the feel with a different frame - really made a difference in the end.

that kinda bush ends up stuck to my cats all the time!
        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/22/2005 10:49:28 PM

just like me feet this morning before the heater got warm!!!

nice work
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/20/2005 7:04:47 PM

the gravel was a yellow/beige colour in reality, but the light was making it a very different hue!
        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)  
11/20/2005 7:03:43 PM

everything looked [pink in that light Danny, was really quite surreal. Got some shots of red leaved trees to come. that was wierd
        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

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