Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
11/20/2005 11:52:44 PM
Mike, Thank you for your input and I'm not offended by your comment at all. However, I would like to say that I'm not a profession photographer & I don't have thousands of dollars worth of equipment and background. As a matter of fact, I haven't made two nickles to rub them together...haha. When this picture was taken, Giselle wasn't scheduled to shoot. She was chaperone for Lizy(previous pics). It so happened that I was in the process of assembling the bed that afternoon. She liked the bed and wanted to shoot then & there. The problem was that I coundn't find the hardware fastner(nuts&bolts) for the bed so we couldn't move it. We shot it as is. I have fixed the b/g and Giselle loved it. That's the story with this pics. Thank you everyone for your comments.
Photo By: huan duong
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
11/10/2005 7:57:40 PM
Tiago, I adjusted the exposure, contrast, & saturation in photoshop. Then I used the Dodge&Burn tool to cleanup the floor. The key here is to light the background & subject separately. huan
Photo By: huan duong
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
11/10/2005 3:15:11 PM
Beautiful portrait. Nice work.
Photo By: parvin dabas
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
9/20/2005 2:40:59 PM
Eventhough it was a short film, I found that the process of making it fascinating. There are so many variables involved in the setup. For example, at one point we had to stop filming b/c there was a jet flying overhead. BTW, we rented the light with student discount(50% off ;-))
Photo By: huan duong
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
9/19/2005 8:08:12 PM
We tripped the breaker several times when the two 1K Mole Richardson lights were turned on. Had to divide the lights into several breakers to even the load. Oh, man was it hot in there.
Photo By: huan duong
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
8/25/2005 8:44:42 AM
Great portrait. I really like your work.
Photo By: Ayse Telci
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
8/14/2005 3:20:45 AM
Thanks Kris, I did PS the torso area. The outfit she had on wasn't cutting it. I though that it's better to replace it with the background.
Photo By: huan duong
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
7/18/2005 5:49:53 PM
Thanks for your input. It's amazing that such a small detail can make such a big difference.
Photo By: huan duong
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
7/6/2005 6:46:10 PM
Hi Susie, I took this on my homemade cyc. I have the same problem when extracting objects from PS. It's so easy do when I read about it but I can never get it right when it's time for me to do it.
Photo By: huan duong
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
6/1/2005 11:08:13 AM
Fantastic portrait. Lovely smile & beautiful eyes.
Photo By: Cristina D
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
5/31/2005 11:04:39 PM
Great timing. I like it alot.
Photo By: Mattias Ormestad
Critique By:
huan duong (K:17)
5/28/2005 3:35:00 PM
Very nice photo Peter. I particularly like the short history.
Photo By: Peter Daniel