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Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
10/13/2004 1:21:14 PM

And her the lihgt is jsut perfect Jeff
        Photo By: John Fiore  (K:1077)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
10/13/2004 1:19:01 PM

Love the structure, especailly on the shirt . There is something that deosn't quit add up to me, not sure if it is the pp or not. It looks like her head is taken form another photo/copied from this photo to a new layer...see the line of her neck, to the left in the picture...the shadow is not quit riht there i think. Did you copy her face to a second layer whe doign light adjustments? Teh way she hold her hands are great but the angel of her pose makes her look a bit "flat chested". She is holding her hands right where her breasts are so it looks like she does not have any (hehe, i can say that, cause i am a girl myslef) I woudl try to have hger pose a lite bit more sideways, the her hands woudl not hide her curves but rather distinguish them some more....maybe , i am not a professional so i can't be sure, just a guess.

Hm...i feel a bit crule her. I hope you don't mind or get upset with me. It is only cause i know you do great work.

        Photo By: Jeff Fiore  (K:11277)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
10/13/2004 1:07:32 PM

Hi Jeff, HOpe you are doign fine

Very even light you have here, not a shadow as far as i can see. Only thing that boters me a lite bit are a few hotspots in her face, or reflectiosn ratehr i think. A tiny bit more powder on teh high parst of her face will take care of it . But it is only minor Also, i would have wished that her whoel hand was included.
        Photo By: John Fiore  (K:1077)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
10/11/2004 8:44:48 PM

Oh my Roby, this is breathtaking!!! What a sky, what a pleasure it must have been for you to look at it, to just adire it's beauty. Thank you for sharing it with us It is truly wonderfull...golden and magic.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
10/8/2004 7:25:42 AM

Oooooh Roby, this is wonderfull. Thank you for your dedication. You are so sweet. It is beautifull. Now i know where to go if i want to have a glimps of heaven.
So beautifull dear.

        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
10/6/2004 3:17:44 PM

You are so sweet dear. Thank you.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
10/6/2004 12:51:01 PM

Oh this is a glimps in to heaven for sure. It is beautifull dear. All i am missing is an angel desending from the sky. The Cokin filer is lovely, beautifull colour. Had the fence not been ther, i woudl have guessed you had paid a visit to paradise

Have a wonderfull day dear
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
10/3/2004 4:56:10 PM

We have these birds livng under our roof in the summer. They put on a show for use every day and keep all un welcome mosquitos away from the i like these birds very much. YOu did great Roberto. Great first experiment. I am curious though, as to what type of experiment you have been doing Great shot.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
10/1/2004 9:46:03 AM

Haha What a great composition you have made. Lovely display of humour and your expression in priceless. hehe So great.
        Photo By: Raffaello S.  (K:605)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/30/2004 8:06:40 PM

Well, i do wish the quality was a bit better...but in a strange way, this lack of quality adds some charm to the picture too. Only, it feels a bit like it has been taken out from an old movie. it gives me a feelign thatsomething bad is about to happen, and i am not sure if that is what you wre after. Part from the problem with the scanner, i am trying to picture thsi seen as if the scan was flawless. Then i find it just a lite bit to dark, especially her face as we can not see much of it. Butit is strange, this picture reallt appelas to me. teh dark atmposphre, the lines from the scanner, the girl and how innicent she seem in this dark enviroment. I think it is a superb picture.
        Photo By: R. W.  (K:508)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/30/2004 7:51:31 PM

It is a very nice graphich composition. Depending on what you were after, this can bee seen as very good, or good. The mountain in the backgrudn does not looklike they belong in the picture. Tehy do not have enough structure and depth. But if this was your goal, not to have them blend in a natrual way, then then your job is complete. If youwant them to blend more they will need more structure. In that case you can try to blend them with a picture of clouds. You would have to uselayer masks and difrent belnd moods in Photoshop or paint shop pro. You woudl probably need more thne one layer, moving around the clouds abit to get depth. I am not sure it would work though and i guess it would take a lot of paitnece to do it.

That was about the mountain. Now, to the picture as a whole...absolutly love it. It has so much drama with those wonderfull clouds and vibrante colours of the flowers. The perspective provided by the hills in the backgroud as wellas the cloud makes me feel like i am being drawn in to the picture. You did a good job.
        Photo By: KEVIN TEMPLE  (K:8657) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/30/2004 7:45:22 PM

Oh this is a beauty. All that negative space really addso a great mood in this picture and the mood goes very well with the b&w. The sea looks grandious and the man and the boy look so small, unprotected against the fury of the sea...even though itis calm now, the fog say it isn't always soo. Beautifull photo
        Photo By: Gábor Koscsó  (K:-229)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/30/2004 7:42:02 PM

This is a beautifull potrait. The ligt is very well controled. Maybe a bit to bright in some areas, the teeth seem a bit to bright and the cheeck is close to a hot spot. But the potrit is lovely. I really like the vibrant colour and the realxed modell - you. The black backgrund works great and brings out the colours in a good way. Contrast is superb. So, a job very well done here.
        Photo By: Francesca May  (K:6877)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/30/2004 8:59:11 AM

Sooooo beautifull Amanda. A real treasure.
        Photo By: A K  (K:8499)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/30/2004 8:58:19 AM

It doesn't get much lovlier then this. It is liek a dream. She looks liek an angel.
        Photo By: A K  (K:8499)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/29/2004 6:02:46 PM

The sky makes this photo intresting and it also has a big impact on the virewer. It is very nice. i wonder how you achived it. Would love to have something like this myself.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/29/2004 3:43:06 PM

I think you have discovered the flood filter Jeff It works very well here. It works very well with your compositin as well as the souroundings. Nice natrual light too.
        Photo By: Jeff Fiore  (K:11277)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/29/2004 3:34:36 PM

Beautifull Roberto dear. Both pictures and concept. I love to see the difrent seasons shift, only now i won't have to wait for it. I canjust look at your beautifull photo.

        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/29/2004 2:45:35 PM

Thsi is very nice. i liek how they blend in to the backgroudn and you only see glimps of them as there clothes are hardly visible. It makes it very dramatic.
        Photo By: Vivienne Bellini  (K:388)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
9/29/2004 2:37:13 PM

This is an amazing sunset. The sky is really on fire and the reflection in the water is marvelsous. Very good expsure. This ia absolutley beautifull.
        Photo By: Marcio Cabral  (K:12496)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/27/2004 5:19:11 AM

Oh, this is lovely Roberto. The sun rays are just beautifull. Welldone donear.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/25/2004 3:57:36 PM

It was as i was gessing had an idea behind it. I though you must have had it cause the watch was so prominent that it would not be something one would miss. Maybe if you are a beginner, then yes, it cousl be missed but the quality of this photo tells me that you are defenatly not a beginner. Cropping the clock also makes perfect sence, especially considering your that it has been translated to me. Sometimes title and picture makes the perfect match
        Photo By: Miguel Torres  (K:3998)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/24/2004 8:47:40 PM

Wonderfull B&W and really great texture. Do wish the clock wasn't there though. It distract me from those beautifully captured hands. I guess you had an ide whit keeping the clock though, or? This is a really great shot.
        Photo By: Miguel Torres  (K:3998)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/24/2004 3:04:12 PM

You are right dear, a gradient filter would balance the light but we will have to make due with the equipment at hand I wish i had a gradient filter but, not yet.

You used film when taking this shot...since i use only digital i think i would have gone the otherway and underexpose the picture I would be able to bring out more details then. Or ...since i love to work with photo shop, i might have taken several picture with difrent exposure and combine them in photo i would be cheeting

Your picture is beautifull and it must have been a lovely light. A wonderfull way to wake up...

And...i disagree with you...i think you are a very good photographer

        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/24/2004 1:18:46 PM

Oh...i am a BIG dreamer Once again, it is beautifull Roberto. I only find the sky being a bit overexposed. I think the camera must have been a foled as to what light was avaiable. But i can see this must have been the ocean and the mountain in the foreground is still very dark and still the sky becomes pale in some places...

You have a wonderfull composition where both the cloud formation as well as the mountain creates a very nice depth in the picture. I like how both the clouds as well as the mountain takes the viewer to the same place in the picture, individually...there is no conflict as where to look. That makes it very plesant.


ps. thanks for the e-mail
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/23/2004 12:18:42 PM

Oh Roberto, this is beautifull. Taht sky is just AMAZING! I think i just have to ask you to send me an e-mail every time you make usre i don't miss any of your posts This is just so beautifull have doen such a good job here

Have a nice week

        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/14/2004 5:06:14 PM

Roberto, your photos are always great. So is this. I really like the broad sweep/wide angle and your composition is...well...just great. Love the way the eye follows the benches and the flowers but alwys ends up by the lady.

Have a lovley week end Roberto. Hope all is well with you.

        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/14/2004 5:02:55 PM

in Black & white this time Dave...i think i preffer it in colour to be honest. It makes it sparkle in a way that i like...As for the shot, well, you allready know what i think about is great
        Photo By: daíven rizz  (K:650)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/11/2004 2:23:33 PM

Surely waiting for better times, with more sun and especially more children running around. It is a very quiet picture Baki, calm and relaxing. iti s as if the "bird" is wathing out over the water...thinking and relaxing. Very well done.
        Photo By: Ahmet Baki Kocaballi  (K:13618)

Critique By: Zandra T  (K:3635)  
8/11/2004 11:08:48 AM

Great capture Dave. Compo is really good, don't mind the blades of the chopper being cut of really, in fact i kind of like it. It is really well balanced to i must say and i like the human element as it gives us the scale. I'm thinking mostly of the man in the back as the one in front is a bit out of proportion for scale mesuring. One thing that really makes this shot though is the fact that the guy in the front is about as big as the chopper.
        Photo By: daíven rizz  (K:650)

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