Photograph By Jan Symank
Jan S.
Photograph By Kamran Bakhtiari
Kamran B.
Photograph By Jan Symank
Jan S.
Photograph By Roberto Baez Duarte
Roberto B.
Photograph By Salvador María Lozada
Salvador María L.
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Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
3/8/2006 3:21:51 PM

Cavoli, mi sembra di vedere mia nonna...stessa stazza, stesse rughe e sempre col grembiule davanti...grande pablo!!! Veramente una bella foto, evoca tanti ricordi vissuti, di vacanze in campagna dai miei...
Un saluto
        Photo By: Pablo Dylan  (K:63918) Donor

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
3/8/2006 3:02:45 PM

Very beautiful capture,
the ending of the day light give a warm impression which is in harmony with the moment.
The composition and the focus are also very good.
        Photo By: Gurmeet  Sapal  (K:691)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
1/20/2006 4:09:50 PM

Great graphism Umran and like the other said the composition is very well done, good harmony between the elements.
        Photo By: Umran Dusunsel  (K:1329)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
11/23/2005 12:43:45 PM

Beautiful capture. The "has been" sensation is greatly traduced. I love the contrast between the inside and outside colours. Compliments.
        Photo By: Guido Steenkamp  (K:183)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
11/22/2005 12:04:11 PM

Very beautiful shot, the fact that only one girl look at the photographer is very strong. The colours are also fascinating me.
        Photo By: ENDER ÖZCAN  (K:2431)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
11/20/2005 11:40:43 AM

Great graphism in this shot marked by a difficult light condition. You catched the optimal exposition or you did a great job under the unlarger, cause we can see details in the wood pieces and the sky does not appear too burned.
        Photo By: Dierk Kruse  (K:315)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
11/20/2005 11:34:51 AM

Great shot!! This is photoreportage!! You manage to associate an artistic view, with the conposition and the redcoloured dresses of the pilgrims, and the description of an event.
        Photo By: David McClenaghan  (K:9481)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
11/20/2005 11:32:13 AM

Great picture ideed!!! You waited for the decisive momet to shot.
        Photo By: Judi Liosatos  (K:34047)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
11/20/2005 11:28:23 AM

Funny capture!!! Not optimal light conditions but good composition...good shot!!
        Photo By: Ali Peyman  (K:1176)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
11/20/2005 11:24:51 AM

Good composition and framing with the choice of a square image. Great blue in the sky and the little grain does not disturb.
        Photo By: anandaroop ghosh  (K:1787)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
11/17/2005 9:26:23 AM

Stupenda foto!!!
i colori sono affascinanti e la composizione dell'immagine ricercata: una diagonale che attraversa la foto e la linea orizzontale sulla qualle s'appoggiano gli alberi.
        Photo By: antonio nullus  (K:8540)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
11/3/2005 8:09:21 AM

Hola Fabiola,
esta foto callejera me gusta mucho por la expresion de la nina y los colores que lleva vestidos...lastima que dejaste la foto analogica por el digital, pero por lo menos la estudiaste. Es muy importante, creo yo, tener unas bases solidas que el digital no suele darte, por pereza de sus utilizadores imagino.
Bueno, soy un hombre. Soy Italiano y en mi pais Andrea es el equivalente de Andrea. Mi nombre lleva a muchas confusiones, a pesar que es muy comun para los chicos en Italia. Ademas el origen del nombre es griega y Andros significa hombre. Ya ves como llamar una chica Andrea tengo poco sentido.
Bueno, un abrazo desde Paris!!!
        Photo By: Fabiola Barrientos  (K:8169)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
10/28/2005 1:50:25 PM

Bella foto che trasmette la nostalgia di un tempo che fù, il viraggio seppia le si addice molto.
        Photo By: ventrix drogo  (K:65398) Donor

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
10/26/2005 10:06:40 AM

Excellent work...a goal to reach!!!
Really all my compliments

        Photo By: Ian Cameron  (K:1163)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
10/20/2005 11:27:06 AM

Very very this woman's body details. The curves are terrific!! and the skin's grain too!!! Wich lens did you use?
        Photo By: Eva Laurence  (K:1216)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
10/17/2005 1:25:25 PM

Nice composition with the line of the thumbs and the trees "closing" the image. It's already snowing in Poland?
        Photo By: Alex Wasyluk  (K:1042)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
10/7/2005 11:21:19 AM

the body!!!
        Photo By: Lucas L  (K:12145)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
10/7/2005 11:19:25 AM

Wonderful light conditions, you catched the decisive moment. The colours are really beautiful...long live to Velvia!!!
        Photo By: TR   (K:591)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
10/2/2005 10:21:36 PM

Bellissimo cielo, complimenti!!!
        Photo By: FABIO MORELLI  (K:161)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
10/1/2005 3:51:16 PM

Salut Frank!!!
c'est ça mec, elle a carrément plus la pèche que l'autre...tu peaufines ta camposition, éééèèahh!!
        Photo By: Frank Desfours  (K:257)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/27/2005 11:12:14 AM

Bella foto giornalistica, peccato solo che il bar sulla sinistra sia sfocato. Bello il riferimento alla guerra di liberazione!!!
        Photo By: Pacifico Mazzella  (K:437)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/27/2005 11:10:14 AM

The atchitect drunk too much rakia...funny structural cpature!
        Photo By: ENDER ÖZCAN  (K:2431)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/26/2005 12:05:34 PM

Lve the colours and the composition. I say 6
        Photo By: ENDER ÖZCAN  (K:2431)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/26/2005 12:04:04 PM

Ciao Emmanuele,
ottime condizioni di luce, peccato che le due ragazze si sovrappongono confondendo le loro sagome.
        Photo By: Emmanuele Del Piano  (K:132)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/26/2005 11:59:54 AM

Good portrait, I love proud attitude of the child. But the light on the child's face seems to me alittle to hards, did you use a flash?
        Photo By: Dushan B. Hadnadjev  (K:366)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/26/2005 9:46:38 AM

Immagine molto bella, mi piace molto la nebbia che avvolge la scena e da' un che di misterioso a questa evocazione dei campi di battaglia della prima guerra mondiale.
        Photo By: Davide B.  (K:212)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/25/2005 11:47:15 AM

Really a great shot...I love it!!! I think it's really much better than the photo you added just before this. In the other one the composition wasn't good. This one is just crazy!!!
And thanx for your comments...
        Photo By: Ezequiel Lozada  (K:17176)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/19/2005 8:31:42 AM

Nice shot and funny title. Compliments!!!
        Photo By: Joshua Rainey  (K:5069)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/19/2005 8:27:18 AM

Ottima la composizione: tre elementi ed una linea dell'orizzonte sulla linea dei teri inferiore. Colori sgargianti anche con un cielo plumbeo. Merito di Photo Shop?
        Photo By: Gennaro Guarino  (K:12372)

Critique By: Andrea Musi  (K:1622)  
9/19/2005 8:23:45 AM

This is a good shot. I love the horizon line with all that mess of coloured boats and the few characters in the harbour looking at you. The light conditions are excellent: this is a 7/7.
        Photo By: Truong Nguyen  (K:16)

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