Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
10/1/2005 3:51:16 PM
Salut Frank!!! c'est ça mec, elle a carrément plus la pèche que l'autre...tu peaufines ta camposition, éééèèahh!! Ciao Andrea
Photo By: Frank Desfours
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/27/2005 11:12:14 AM
Bella foto giornalistica, peccato solo che il bar sulla sinistra sia sfocato. Bello il riferimento alla guerra di liberazione!!! Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Pacifico Mazzella
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/27/2005 11:10:14 AM
The atchitect drunk too much rakia...funny structural cpature! Regards Andrea
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/26/2005 12:05:34 PM
Lve the colours and the composition. I say 6 Regards Andrea
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/26/2005 12:04:04 PM
Ciao Emmanuele, ottime condizioni di luce, peccato che le due ragazze si sovrappongono confondendo le loro sagome. Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Emmanuele Del Piano
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/26/2005 11:59:54 AM
Good portrait, I love proud attitude of the child. But the light on the child's face seems to me alittle to hards, did you use a flash? Regards Andrea
Photo By: Dushan B. Hadnadjev
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/26/2005 9:46:38 AM
Immagine molto bella, mi piace molto la nebbia che avvolge la scena e da' un che di misterioso a questa evocazione dei campi di battaglia della prima guerra mondiale. Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Davide B.
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/25/2005 11:47:15 AM
Really a great shot...I love it!!! I think it's really much better than the photo you added just before this. In the other one the composition wasn't good. This one is just crazy!!! And thanx for your comments... Regards Andrea
Photo By: Ezequiel Lozada
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/19/2005 8:31:42 AM
Nice shot and funny title. Compliments!!! Andrea
Photo By: Joshua Rainey
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/19/2005 8:27:18 AM
Ottima la composizione: tre elementi ed una linea dell'orizzonte sulla linea dei teri inferiore. Colori sgargianti anche con un cielo plumbeo. Merito di Photo Shop? Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Gennaro Guarino
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/19/2005 8:23:45 AM
This is a good shot. I love the horizon line with all that mess of coloured boats and the few characters in the harbour looking at you. The light conditions are excellent: this is a 7/7. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Truong Nguyen
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/19/2005 8:21:49 AM
Nice composition and good capture!! The colours are powerful. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Armagan Bice
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/19/2005 8:20:58 AM
Bellissimo paesaggio! Colori e giochi di luce bellissimi! Forse un unico difetto, la linea dell'orizzonte troppo centrata. Per me 6/7 Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Maria Conversano
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/16/2005 1:15:25 PM
Very nice, intimate scene between the two characters. With your picture we can go inside the moment, cause you managed to transmit the atmosphere of the moment. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Vaclav Pitucha
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/16/2005 1:12:34 PM
Ottima composizione con la contadina e la linea diagonale rappresentata dalla staccionata. Peccato manchi un po' di luce. Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Davide Rosso
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/16/2005 1:10:35 PM
Nice spot to make a night photograph. Maybe you should have choosen a better moment. A little earlier when the sky isn't already completly dark, would have given to your picture a deep blue sky and would have improved your image. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Marian Man
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/16/2005 1:06:51 PM
Very good for your travel photograph, the scene is amazing. It deserves a 6. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Hans de Groot
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/16/2005 1:05:05 PM
Buena foto callejera. El contrasto es bueno. Saludos Andrea
Photo By: Rodrigo Morales
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/15/2005 3:04:25 PM
Nice shot with strong colours; Make us dream about this kind of holidays. Thanx to share. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Kursat Oner
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/15/2005 3:02:25 PM
Ottima foto...grafica. Buona la composizione. Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Luca Miarelli Mariani
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/15/2005 1:26:37 PM
Great idea of composition including a natural frame. That's a pity that the character has been cut. Regards Andrea
Photo By: MightyHot Traveller
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/12/2005 12:58:48 PM
Great capture... Regards Andrea
Photo By: Pat Snelling Weiner
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/12/2005 9:27:54 AM
Hi Frank, really good composition!!! Tu as assuré de trouver un cadre naturel pour ta vue de Budapest. Dommage juste que le ciel soit un peu fade...continue comme ça mec!!! A plus Andrea
Photo By: Frank Desfours
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/11/2005 11:57:08 AM
Very nice composition, good effect on the moorbike...regards. Andrea
Photo By: Mats Adsten
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/11/2005 11:55:39 AM
Great graphism, that was a good idea!!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Kostas Tzanetos
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/10/2005 6:36:57 PM
Ottima!!! complimenti alla modella...ed al fotografo oviamente!!! Saluti Andrea
Photo By: matteo savatteri
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/10/2005 6:23:08 PM
Love the composition, great capture!! Compliments Andrea
Photo By: Ferdinand
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/10/2005 6:19:51 PM
Good composition and dramatic sky!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Hussam Abdul Nour
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/10/2005 6:19:04 PM
Great composition!!! I love the scene...but why this man is wearing a mask? Regards Andrea
Photo By: Maleonn
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/9/2005 7:31:12 PM
Hello, very nice B&W love the parallelism between the white horse and the cloud behind. Good job. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Dushan B. Hadnadjev