Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 1:52:47 AM
Thanx for your comment Dubravko, I had a look at your comment and I really anjoyed it. This photo attracted my attention cause I have one similar with two chairs in a park. This one has an avantage, teh woman walking down the street with the umbrella. You really captured the perfect character to complete yout picture and I can imagine you were quite happy of this chance. Of course the B&W treatement is perfect... Regards Andrea
Photo By: Dubravko Grakalic
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
9/2/2005 1:09:38 AM
Astonishing macro, wonderful details on the fly's eyes. regards Andrea
Photo By: krekk
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/31/2005 6:20:19 AM
The composition and the woman beauty are astonishing. You did a good job by putting everything in a natural frame. Compliments!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Robo Pritrsky
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/31/2005 1:52:57 AM
Hello, good social contrast!!! The B&W work is good. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Sven Burkhard
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/30/2005 7:06:22 AM
Bellissima anche questa, pero' per le mani sfuocate fanno perdere forza al personaggio e la parte bianca a sinistra della capanna fa "uscire" lo sguardo dall'immagine. Saluti Andrea
Photo By: Gianluca Di Santo
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/30/2005 7:02:58 AM
Stupenda!!!! L'espressione della bambina è la luce che l'illumina sono spettacolari, la presenza delle due donne sullo sfondo sfocato arricchisce sicuramente la composizione. Merita indubbiamente un 7, fra l'altro apprezzo moltisso anche il mezzo fotgrafico che hai utilizzato. La rolleiflex è un vero gioiello. Complimenti Andrea
Photo By: Gianluca Di Santo
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/30/2005 6:34:49 AM
Nice colors, observing your composition I guess you have been atracted by the movement of the women's feet beating the music ryhthm. Good travel picture. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Artur Gerasch
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/30/2005 1:56:22 AM
Nice picture, well done! About the printing, if you do it by your self, you should think about darken the part on the left. There are some white spots that attract the eye and distract from the main subject. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Marcin Gorski
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/30/2005 1:51:55 AM
Good capture, like the contrast between the funny attitude of the two women and the context. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Rozmi [ . ]
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/28/2005 5:24:17 PM
Very good work, like what you've written about it. I fully agree. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Ian Cameron
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/28/2005 5:19:51 PM
Hello Tugba, the composition is good and there is an idea of graphism in your photograph with these four lines crossing the picture. To improve this shot you should try to choose a better moment in the day with a better light condition and, why not, a beautiful sky with clouds and a sunset. I know you can find this a little bit trivial, but you have to notice that there is a lack of a really strong element that attract the eye. Often, such a thing will be a caracter or a moving object. Here, everything is quite static. So, the decisive moment to shot will be given by the sky and the light, that are the only two elements that change with time. Hope this will help you. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Tugba Alkan
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/14/2005 9:30:38 AM
Wonderful...the light is a little bit hard but what a beautiful view!!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Tom Schuurmans
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/13/2005 3:59:20 PM
I agree with P.J. , this shot is quite different from the last one. There are different levels which give perspective to the image and more attractive. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Guy Dube
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/13/2005 3:10:48 PM
Great portrait...minimal depth of field. Very nice model. Regards Andrea
Photo By: rafal ' mojalewastopa ' karpinski
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/13/2005 10:42:56 AM
Very nice!!! Love football and this is a good capture...the player expression and body position are excellent!!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Yusuf IPEKCI
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/13/2005 8:13:07 AM
it remembers me Brassaï...good work!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Aram Gharib
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 5:37:02 PM
Nice shot, good composition. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Tim Long
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 4:44:21 PM
very good reportage, that's a pity that the children are out of focus. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Jessica Thiessen
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 4:43:07 PM
astonishing lanscape...very very beautiful it deserves a 7 for me. I also want to try seaside lanscapes with these long speeds. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Andy Le Galle
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 4:41:21 PM
bellissima composizione e tonalità del B&N. Saluti Andrea
Photo By: baldacci baldacci
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 4:13:03 PM
Good capture...very nice street photography. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Tomek Swietoniowski
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 4:08:35 PM
I like this shot, typical spanish!! What a pity that you could not take the picture later in the evening, cause the light is very hard. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Tony Smallman
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 4:06:40 PM
Perfect, very sharp...good choice square picture!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Le Tuan Anh
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:58:04 PM
Very nice odel and I love the composition... Regards Andrea
Photo By: Afriadi Hikmal
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:51:44 PM
Nice shot and composition... regards
Photo By: Ian Miller
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:31:23 PM
Dans ta photo il manque quelque chose au premier plan. Toute la zone en bas des bateaux est vide et ne présente pas grans interêt. Il aurait fallu inclure dans ta composition un personnage, ou plutôt un autre bateau en navigation, dans un point fort de l'image pour lui donner plus d'équilibre. Sinon le traitement du contraste est bon. Salut Andrea
Photo By: Guy Dube
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:22:06 PM
Nice tones in B&W, I regret there isn't a figure closer to you...it would have given a better perspective and a more suggesting street photography. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Taher Ghallab
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:20:09 PM
Composizion curata...peccato per l'antenna parabolica e la luce che non è delle migliori (immagino che la foto sia stata scatta in pieno pomeriggio). Saluti Andrea
Photo By: TOTO F
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 10:44:16 AM
Really beautiful, but with this kind of photo is hard to understand where does reality finish and photoshop begins. However the result is astonishing.
Photo By: ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 10:39:45 AM
Hola Kike, te gusta este tema la verdad!! el impacto de esta foto es comparable con la imagen con la nina que corre. Los personajes estan demasiado en el centro de la imagen para mi. Saludos
Photo By: kike Calvo