Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 4:06:40 PM
Perfect, very sharp...good choice square picture!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Le Tuan Anh
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:58:04 PM
Very nice odel and I love the composition... Regards Andrea
Photo By: Afriadi Hikmal
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:51:44 PM
Nice shot and composition... regards
Photo By: Ian Miller
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:31:23 PM
Dans ta photo il manque quelque chose au premier plan. Toute la zone en bas des bateaux est vide et ne présente pas grans interêt. Il aurait fallu inclure dans ta composition un personnage, ou plutôt un autre bateau en navigation, dans un point fort de l'image pour lui donner plus d'équilibre. Sinon le traitement du contraste est bon. Salut Andrea
Photo By: Guy Dube
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:22:06 PM
Nice tones in B&W, I regret there isn't a figure closer to you...it would have given a better perspective and a more suggesting street photography. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Taher Ghallab
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 12:20:09 PM
Composizion curata...peccato per l'antenna parabolica e la luce che non è delle migliori (immagino che la foto sia stata scatta in pieno pomeriggio). Saluti Andrea
Photo By: TOTO F
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 10:44:16 AM
Really beautiful, but with this kind of photo is hard to understand where does reality finish and photoshop begins. However the result is astonishing.
Photo By: ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 10:39:45 AM
Hola Kike, te gusta este tema la verdad!! el impacto de esta foto es comparable con la imagen con la nina que corre. Los personajes estan demasiado en el centro de la imagen para mi. Saludos
Photo By: kike Calvo
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 10:35:38 AM
Another nice shot...good composition and captured expression. Regards Andrea
Photo By: cessy karina
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 10:34:19 AM
Que loucura...it seems it's floating. What's the secret? Atè logo Andrea
Photo By: ccc ccc
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 10:31:59 AM
Good graphism with a lonely character...regards
Photo By: Géza Galán
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 10:31:10 AM
Good composition, I love the old man expression en the left. Good street photography it derserves a 5. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Ali Peyman
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 9:36:57 AM
Un'altra magica foto notturna dalla Madre Russia...è da qualche giorno che seguo le tue foto da Mosca e San Pietroburgo è mi han fatto venir ancor piu' voglia di recarmi nelle due capitali!!! Che manna per un fotografo le notti bianche!!! Un saluto Andrea
Photo By: Rossano Balloco
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 9:32:52 AM
Excellent, the children's expression is very interesting. Great capture of an every day life scene!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: cessy karina
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 9:30:24 AM
really great, this is reportage! The motion effect is well pronounced without being blurred. Love the woman's expression very intense and concentrated. regards Andrea
Photo By: cessy karina
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 9:13:17 AM
Wonderful, the dramatic sky enhances the majestic of the machines...compliments!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Judi Liosatos
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 9:10:46 AM
Good B&W, I'm sure there was a good light quality because the wall's surface is very sharp. That's a pity I don't understand serb-croatian (is it like this in english?) there is maybe anhidden sense in your picture. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Dubravko Grakalic
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 9:06:06 AM
Nice work, I like the circles in the water that reveal the presence of water and the reflection affect. If they were a little more present, you could have created them by launching a little stone for example, the shot would have been simply perfect!!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: Josip Saric
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 9:03:15 AM
Excellent B&W, nice contrast. Another man at work!! Regards Andrea
Photo By: harun canmetin
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 9:00:24 AM
Nice shot, a man at work! That's a pity that we can't see a lot of detail in the back of the photo, but I think you could not get closer because of the heat. Regards Andrea
Photo By: harun canmetin
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 8:51:44 AM
Very good exposure and it isn't a shot easy to realize. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Sean Depuydt
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 8:41:44 AM
Nice shot, but I think the mosque is too much in the center of the picture. I think that if you would have sacrified a little bit of sky, or a piece of sea, your composition will be improved. Remember that one of the most important rules in photogrphy is to don't put in the center of the picture the subject. Hope you appreciate the advice. Regards Andrea
Photo By: berat besir
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 8:37:24 AM
Nice silhouette in motion, you choosed the right moment to take the picture. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Rochim Hadisantosa
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 8:36:09 AM
Very nice silhouette in motion. Did you use an orange filter? Rrgards Andrea
Photo By: vincentius muharyanto
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 8:35:01 AM
Bella foto notturna, magari sarebbe stato meglio con un po' di cielo in piu'. C'è almeno un metro sotto le persone che non serve a niente, inquadrando piu' in alto si sarebbe vista la cima dei palazzi e il cielo che è di un bel blu intenso. Saluti Andrea
Photo By: andrea giuseppe
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 8:31:45 AM
Manca un punto forte che attiri veramente lo sguardo, un fiore, un animaletto o un sasso diverso dagli altri. Foto un po' piatta. saluti Andrea
Photo By: Stefano Pistis
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 8:19:27 AM
Nice composition and exposure, mayde the bottom of the picture is needless, you could adopt a more panoramic size. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Michael Rydh
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 7:54:32 AM
Astonishing landscape!! Great work... Regards Andrea
Photo By: Tim Schumm
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/12/2005 7:52:15 AM
Very good portrait, this is reportage!!! It deserves a 6. Regards Andrea
Photo By: Vlad Mereuta
Critique By:
Andrea Musi (K:1622)
8/11/2005 11:27:03 PM
Wow, excellent!!! Hope I'll see such a scene during my holidays. I'll have to wake up early.
Best regards
Photo By: Paolo Longo