This is Freya, my friend's new baby. I converted a colour image into black and white, using mostly the red channel, mixed with a little from the green channel. Freya had a bit of a spotty face the day I took this, so converting it using the channel mixing managed to make her skin look lovely and smooth. My one small gripe with this image, is that I feel that the point of focus is on her top, rather than her eyes. I usually try to make sure I focus on eyes in a portrait, so I'm not sure why I didn't here. Oh well, I still like this as a baby portrait.
Vince, I only used this frame because when I came to upload it onto usefilm, I realised I only had this copy on my computer. You are right about the framing not competing with the image.
Miles, I know what you mean about the dark object on Freya's chair. Oh well, sometimes you can't pick and choose everything.
Nice baby and good photo, and your converstion to B&W is good. Your own comment about the focus is probably valid but there is a small dark object just over the baby's head which tends to draw my eye up as well.
However, I do feel your friend is very pleased with this portrait. Well done.
Very nice shot Sarah! Soft, cute and looking right at us. I am sure your friend would like this. One little tiny suggestion: The frame should not detract too much from the image. You want it to compliment rather than compete. Very interesting choice here. Nice shot once again!!