Stan Hill
{K:35352} 5/23/2008
Gerhard, thank you for the honest comment. I saw the technical weakness with the help of my comments. I just got lost in the natural joy the shot captured. I hope you have a wonderful day, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 5/23/2008
Riny, thanks for the comment. Shot late in day,no direct light, just did not use enough PS2. Thanks for the encouragement, I will keep working on it! Be well and have a super weekend too! Stan
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 5/23/2008
what a beautiful image and a lovely portrait here, so impresive,wish more contrast and sharpness my dear Stan,but anyway I like it!!,have a SUPER WEEK END,Riny
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
{K:18382} 5/23/2008
The portrait of this child causes very naturally whereby the technical execution could be improved something else. Sincerely Gerhard
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 5/23/2008
Stan...my friend, I wish you the best. St.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 5/23/2008
Stan, thanks, I see Clive's skills are ahead of mine but watch out, I will be giving it a go as the days go by. Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 5/23/2008
Mojgan, thanks, be well Stan
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 5/23/2008
Cute capture Stan and excellent Clive improvement, Congrats... St.
Mojgan Bahasadri
{K:16243} 5/22/2008
Lovely smile.....!! :)
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 5/22/2008
Alida, thanks for you sweet comment. It is a tender smile from a tender boy. He keeps me busy and happy. Ciao, Stan
Alida Yolanda
{K:11523} 5/22/2008
Che sorriso tenero, stupendo ritratto!
Clive Carter
{K:8603} 5/22/2008
Hi again, thanks for the feedback.In PS if you go to image/adjust/highlight and shadow, play around with the sliders, I think the default setting will be OK but I adjusted the highlight slightly and shadow a smidgeon and also the midtone contrast. Then I went to filter/noise/reduce noise. That's about it, have fun, Regards,Clive
Clive Carter
{K:8603} 5/22/2008
Hi again, thanks for the feedback.In PS if you go to image/adjust/highlight and shadow, play around with the sliders, I think the default setting will be OK but I adjusted the highlight slightly and shadow a smidgeon and also the midtone contrast. Then I went to filter/noise/reduce noise. That's about it, have fun, Regards,Ckive
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 5/22/2008
Dave, thanks for your comment. This smile comes from his heart, we are the best buddies. We were playing together and he was sliding down a plastic slide. I was shooting some action shots and then we did a slide show. He loves seeing the results.Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 5/22/2008
Clive, Thanks for the comments. Yes this was a quick shot I took as the sun was setting with available light. I bumped up the brightness and contrast in PS2 a little but not as well as you. The improvement is quite dramatic and gives me something to shoot for in my future processing. I have been using PS2 for a few months now so am just finding some of the basic features. What features did you use, Levels,curves? Thanks for taking the time for the help and suggestions,much appreciated. Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 5/22/2008
parehan, thanks for the comment, this boy is a one of a kind bundle of joy! Be well, Stan
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 5/21/2008
You caught a great expression there, Stan! Dave.
Clive Carter
{K:8603} 5/21/2008
Hi Stan, I gather this is just a quick snapshot but it is under exposed. If you have an editor, you could improve the image by adjusting the levels,curves etc. As I am unaware of your degree of proficiency with an editor, I shan't go into detail but here is my attempt at adjusting the image.
parehan .K
{K:27453} 5/21/2008
The model is so charming!:):):) Lovely smile..